call for consultancy for the Production and broadcasting Item-based loan product in FM Radios and social media outlets 24 views

About the Job

Scope of the assignment


The overall purpose of the assignment is to produce and broadcast multimedia products by producing radio and social media spots. The assignment is to produce a total of 2 multi-media materials (1 one-minute social media spot and 1 one-minute radio spot).  The one -minute radio spot will be broadcasted on selected prime time twice a day for a period of 3 months on highly viewed/listened related programs (youth owned MSEs).  Similarly, the one-minute social media spot will be boosted or reposted 3 times per day on popular social media of the firm or program.



  • 1 minute radio spot (Amharic)
  • 1-minute social media spot (Amharic)
  • The service provider is expected to facilitate airtime to transmit the media products particularly on prime times and others combination on popular program in Addis.
  • Provide web quality master copies of high-quality audio/videos products of the spots as AVI and MP4 formats.

About You

Required Qualification and Experience

       Firm Requirement and Experience:

  • Relevant renewed license and tax registration.
  • Popular in Addis Ababa with known radio program
  • University degree and/or certificate in audio-visual studies, cinematography, or any other related field of study.
  • Extensive experience in producing development related radio and social media spots
  • Submission of name and contact addresses of three references who can witness/testify good performance.
  • Ability to work in close coordination with SNV team members.

Required Skills

  • Team work



Both the Technical and Financial proposals should be in a separate sealed and stamped envelope by writing the name of the specific assignment.

Proposals must be received by SNV Addis Ababa office to the address below no later than 7 October 2024, 17:00 PM close of business.

All submissions should be sent to: SNV Ethiopia, Mexico Sar bete road Next to African Union P.O. Box 40675, Addis Ababa | Ethiopia Fax + 251 (0) 11 616 6252 Tele + 251 (0) 11 616 6232 or via email <[email protected]> by separately stating Technical and Financial on separate email (Please indicate title of this assignment on the subject of the email)

For further information/clarification please contact using this email: [email protected]

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