ToR – For Design & Use Project Data Management Platform 41 views

About the Job


Youth Network for Sustainable Development (YNSD) is a non-governmental, non-profit making indigenous organization founded in 2003 by four school clubs and fifteen youth associations. Currently, YNSD is an umbrella network of more than 160 youth organizations/associations operating at the national level.

YNSD was legally registered under the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Ministry of Justice in 2004 with a registration number 1644. Following the proclamation of the Charities and Societies legislation in 2009, the organization was re-registered as Consortium of Ethiopian Resident Charities under the FDRE Charities and Societies Agency in February 2010 with license number 1442.

YNSD’s major programmatic areas are youth and women Empowerment, information and communication technology (ICT), health (mainly SRH, nutrition and HIV/AIDS), environment specifically focusing on climate change, advocacy work involving the promotion of good governance and advancement of human rights, water sanitation and hygiene, and new emerging issues, such as youth unemployment, illegal youth migration, etc. While the youth and women empowerment program areas will focus on SRH, unemployment, economic empowerment, and inclusive youth empowerment, inclusive development will be the guiding principle in all program areas.

Program Background 

YNSD is currently implementing more than five programs and Programs, one of which being ‘Community service as a pathway to work (CSPW)’ program implemented in partnership with the MasterCard Foundation and JHU-CCP.

Community Service as Pathways to Work (CSPW) is a program planned to provide community service opportunities for 500,000 youth and job preparedness skills for 200,000 youth who participated in the community service, 70% of whom will be women and 10% from vulnerable groups, while significantly contributing to the overall health and well-being of communities. The objectives of this Program are;

  • Equip 500,000 youth with skills and experience through youth led community service, with 70% young women engagement and 10% vulnerbale group, by end of year 5.
  • Enable 200,000 (40%) of community service participants to find dignified and fulfilling work (80% self and 20% wage) through linkages to job matching initiatives, provision of  employability and entereprenurship skills training, and access to finance opportunities.
  • Facilitate system-level change to create an enabling environment for community service.

Scope of Work and Responsibilities

Role of the Consultant:

The consultant shall conduct but will not necessarily be limited to some of the following:

  •  Reporting Formats, Design & use project data management platform system analysis – to identify the data gaps as aligned to CSPW data requirements across all stakeholders.
  •  Preparation of an implementation work plan with a clear activity schedule accompanied by costing. The final work plan is to be approved by CSPW team.
  •  Integrate manual reporting forms to project data management platform and develop a mobile application for outreach data collection and data capturing.
  •  Link the mobile data collection application to CSPW’s project data management platform web application.
  • The system will capture all data in a relational database to manage, administer and easily query the database on client needs.
  • The system should validate each record based on data validation rules to minimize errors in data entry.
  • Automate the result capturing from the device using import and export functionality to minimize error when capturing raw data and result information.
  • The system will have a dashboard module that will analyze the programmatic data and indicator-based data using graphical representation to easily make a decision for program owners.
  • The system will generate reports both in graphical and tabular format for analyzing the data and to give periodical reports to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Review the data flow processes from different stakeholders.
  • Presentation to CSPW M&E Team on developed application and integration of Reporting formats to project data management platform data systems.
  • ToT training on newly developed application and system links.
  •  Prepare a status report on the implementation process mentioning all the progress made and corrective action taken.
  • Prepare and provide SOP.

Role of CSPW:

  • Selecting and contracting the Consultant.
  • Covering the costs of consultant associated with the assignment.
  • Reviewing reports and providing feedback.
  • Link the consultant to relevant stakeholders as per the assignment.
  • Provide all necessary documentation for the assignment

E.g. data collection tools, and reporting formats.

  • Users’ requirement specifications (URS) for the systems.
  • Any other relevant data/ information required to the consultant etc.    


About You

Consultant profile and requirements

The consultant shall have knowledge and skills sets experienced in both the Development and deployment of the system; in addition, the consultant will have the following expertise:

  • Experience in the development of databases/other systems for similar activities particularly project data management platform.
  • Must have at least 3+ years of experience working and developing in the front- and back-end of project data management platform.
  • Ability to train and support staff to maintain and optimize data management on project data management platform.
  • Must have Practical knowledge in developing systems related to multisector services provision.
  • Have Practical knowledge of current government statistical requirements and project data management platform use.
  • Familiarity with data import and export functions from various formats.
  • Previous experience in developing systems for NGOs/INGOs is an advantage

Other experts, support staff & backstopping 

CVs for experts other than the key experts should not be submitted in the tender but the tenderer will have to demonstrate in their offer that they have access to experts with the required profiles. The Contractor shall select and hire other experts as required according to the needs. The selection procedures used by the Contractor to select these other experts shall be transparent and based on pre-defined criteria, including professional qualifications, language skills, and work experience. The costs for backstopping and support staff, as needed, are considered to be included in the tenderer’s financial offer.

Required Skills

  • Data analysis
  • Communication
  • Critical thinking

Applicants must provide an application letter together with a complete set of technical and financial proposal and any needed documents in PDF or Word format. 

Interested applicants are invited to submit their technical and financial proposals, along with any additional required documents, within 7 days from the date of this announcement. Please send 

your submissions to the following email address: [email protected].

More Information

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