Kalub Microfinance SC is organized as a profit-making business registered by national bank of Ethiopia under the license number MFI/0047/2020 and under the Somali trade and industry bureau under the license number SM/ST/6/0004715/2012. Its head quarter is located in the Regional state of Somali. The Kalub microfinance Share Company intends to contribute its fair share to solve the problem of financial exclusion that is a major challenge to the development of the country. Access to finance is considered as an important condition for sustainable and equitable development of any country. Therefore, its main focus will be on serving those who have been excluded the privilege to benefit from accessing the formal credit system for utilization of their entrepreneurial skills to create value that serve themselves and the society at large The vision of Kalub Microfinance is to have people/ society free abject poverty among rural and urban to determine their future.
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