Aged and Children Pastoralists Association 1083 views

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Aged and Children Pastoralists Association (ACPA) is a local organization established in 2008 by a group of pastoral intellectuals and registered with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia with Reg. No: 0358. It aims to support all marginalized pastoralists to improve their resilience through economic opportunities pertinent to their lifestyle so as to overcome livelihood shocks.

ACPA as an innovative national organization is committed to the stimulation of growth and expanding market access for the poor pastoralists and Agro-pastoralists through the approach of “Let market work for the poor.” as its prime thematic area of intervention.  Among the thematic areas of ACPA includes Market & Economic development, WASH, Education, and Emergency interventions. Presently ACPA operates in Siti, Fafan, Dollo, Liban and Dawa zones of Somali Region of Ethiopia.

Vision: ACPA envisions thriving, wealthy, healthy and highly resilient pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in Ethiopia.

Mission: Support and strengthen pastoralist communities for improved economic independence diversified income opportunities, increase educational coverages, superior health outcomes, and expanded climate-change resilience. This will be achieved through implementing a series of innovative and empowering projects to accomplish significant and lasting change.

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