- A
- A Glimmer of Hope (1)
- Abebech Gobena Children's Care and Development Association (AGOHELMA) (1)
- Abebech Gobena Children's Care and Development Association (AGOHELMA) (22)
- Abt Associates (11)
- ACDI/VOCA Ethiopia (27)
- ACTED (130)
- Action Aid Ethiopia (82)
- Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization (ASDEPO) (152)
- Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce & SA (3)
- Addis Ababa City Women's Association (9)
- Addis Guzo (26)
- Addis Integrated Development Organization (2)
- AECOM International Development (1)
- African Development Aid Association (ADAA) (4)
- African Disability Forum (22)
- African Services Committee (2)
- African Wildlife Foundation (5)
- Aged and Children Pastoralists Association (1)
- Agri Service Ethiopia (13)
- Agro-BIG (7)
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation - Ethiopia (39)
- American Friends Service Committee (22)
- American International Health Alliance (25)
- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee(AJJDC) (33)
- Amhara Development Association (15)
- Amref Health Africa (357)
- Andinet Yeethiopia Yebet Serategnoch Hibret (1)
- ANPPCAN (44)
- Aqua for All Ethiopia (11)
- Arise Global (4)
- Austrian Development Agency (1)
- Austrian Embassy Development Cooperation (5)
- Aynage Child and Family Development Organization (20)
- Ayuda En Accion Ethiopia (50)
- B
- Balaya Childrens & Family Charitable Organization (4)
- BBC Media Action Ethiopia (63)
- Bees for Development Ethiopia (24)
- Beza Posterity Development Organization (36)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Ethiopia (6)
- Bread for the World (22)
- British Council Ethiopia (60)
- Buusaa Gonofaa Microfinance S.C (MFI) (25)
- C
- Canadian Physician for Aid and Relief (CPAR) (1)
- Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief (CPAR) (59)
- CARE Ethiopia (353)
- Care for Child and Family Organization- CCFO (20)
- CARITAS Switzerland (CACH) (91)
- Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE) General Secretariat (2)
- Catholic Relief Services - CRS (477)
- CBM Ethiopia (39)
- CEFA Onlus – Ethiopia (15)
- Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD) (26)
- Center for Development and Capacity Building (CDCB) (12)
- Center for Justice (CJ) (57)
- CHADET (24)
- Chemonics International Inc (201)
- Cheshire Ethiopia (94)
- Cheshire Foundation Action for Inclusion (CFAI) (23)
- ChildFund International – Ethiopia (95)
- ChildHope UK (1)
- Children Believe Fund (64)
- Children's Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF) (1)
- China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) (1)
- Chosen Generation (22)
- Christian Aid Ethiopia (53)
- Christian Children's Fund of Canada – Ethiopia (3)
- CISP (International Committee for the Development of People) (38)
- Clinton Health Access Initiative (61)
- Comitato Collaborazione Medica (CCM) (12)
- Common Vision for Development Association (123)
- Compassion International (6)
- Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA ) (76)
- Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO) (65)
- Cooperative Development Foundation of Canada (7)
- Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) Ethiopia (60)
- Cordaid (128)
- Creative Associates International Ethiopia (114)
- Crown Agents (1)
- CURE International (3)
- Cuso International (36)
- D
- Dalberg (7)
- DanChurchAid Ethiopia (151)
- Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) (6)
- Danish Refugee Council (602)
- Deborah Foundation (36)
- Democracy International (8)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (763)
- Development Alternative Inc (DAI) (91)
- Development Expertise Center (DEC) (132)
- Development for All (DfA) (31)
- Development for Peace Organization (DPO) (97)
- Digital Green (62)
- Digital Opportunity Trust (26)
- Dimagi (4)
- Doctors with Africa CUAMM (45)
- Donkey Sanctuary Ethiopia (27)
- DT Global (3)
- E
- ECC St Gabriel Catholic Health Center (36)
- ECUSTA - HLI (35)
- Education Development Center (11)
- Education Development Trust (23)
- Education for Sustainable Development - ESD (30)
- Edukans Foundation (25)
- Elevate Ethiopia Inc. (2)
- Enhancing Pastoralists Research and Development Alternatives (EPaRDA) (1)
- Entrepreneurship Development Centre (41)
- Environmentalists Development Association – Ethiopia (EDAE) (20)
- EOC-DICAC (21)
- Ethiopia Reads (7)
- Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (1)
- Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission – Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE) (22)
- Ethiopian Catholic Church Social Development Coordinating office of Meki (ECC-SDCOM) (20)
- Ethiopian Catholic University of La Salle (ECUL) (22)
- Ethiopian Center for Development (46)
- Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) (164)
- Ethiopian Charities and Societies Forum (ECSF) (15)
- Ethiopian Children's Fund (1)
- Ethiopian Children's Fund (ECF) (2)
- Ethiopian Civil Society Organization Council (17)
- Ethiopian Clean Cooking Alliance Association (ECCA) (22)
- Ethiopian Council of Gospel Believer’s Churches (19)
- Ethiopian Diabetes Association (19)
- Ethiopian Diaspora Association (2)
- Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) (29)
- Ethiopian Elderly and Pensioners National Association (EEPNA) (4)
- Ethiopian Human Right Commission (40)
- Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO) (62)
- Ethiopian Media Women Association (11)
- Ethiopian Midwives Association (63)
- Ethiopian National Association of Persons Affected by Leprosy (ENAPAL) (21)
- Ethiopian National Association of the Blind (58)
- Ethiopian National Disability Action Network (3)
- Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (25)
- Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) (407)
- Ethiopian Veterinary Association (29)
- European Center for Electoral Support (23)
- European Centre for Electoral Support (ECES) (4)
- European Cooperative for Rural Development (EUCORD) (10)
- European Union Business Forum in Ethiopia (8)
- F
- Farm Africa (210)
- Farm Radio International (21)
- Federation of Ethiopian Associations of Persons with Disability (FEAPD) (38)
- FH Ethiopia (336)
- FHI 360 - Alive & Thrive Project-Ethiopia (166)
- Fikir Ethiopia National Association on Intellectual Disabilities (FENAID) (31)
- Finnish Refugee Council (56)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO (8)
- Forum for African Women Educationalists - FAWE Ethiopia (22)
- Forum of Federations, Ethiopia Country Office (11)
- Freedom Fund (36)
- Freedom House (29)
- French Development Agency (8)
- Friendship Support Association (FSA) (33)
- FSSP Ethiopia, WUSC (27)
- Future Hopes Integrated Development organization/FHIDO (41)
- G
- H
- Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia (89)
- Hawassa Industrial Park Investors Association (1)
- Healing Hands of Joy (HHOJ) (11)
- Health Development and Anti Malaria Association (HDAMA) (29)
- Health Poverty Action (29)
- Heifer International (37)
- HEKS-Ethiopia (40)
- HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (166)
- Himalayan Cataract Project (19)
- Hope Enterprises (45)
- Hope for Children Organization Australia (9)
- Hope for Justice (former Retrak Ethiopia ) (86)
- HOPE International Development Agency Ethiopia (24)
- Hope of light Civil Society Organization (1)
- Hope Walks (28)
- Humanity & Inclusion (112)
- Humedica E.V (50)
- I
- ICAP (227)
- ICARDA (1)
- IFDC- International Fertilizer Development (33)
- ILu Women and Children Integrated Development Association (IWCIDA) (29)
- IMPACT Initiatives (1)
- Initiative for Social Accountability Promotion(ISAP) (4)
- Innovative Humanitarian Solutions (IHS) (30)
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) | Ethiopia (25)
- Institute of International Education (IIE) (25)
- Integrated Family Service Organization (47)
- Inter Aide France (55)
- Inter Religious Council of Ethiopia (17)
- InterChurch Organization for Development Cooperation(ICCO Cooperation) (3)
- International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc (8)
- International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) (22)
- International Committee of the Red Cross - Ethiopia (160)
- International Development Enterprises(IDE) (62)
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) (92)
- International Labour Organization - ILO (25)
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) (25)
- International Media Support (IMS) (29)
- International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) (5)
- International Orthodox Christian Charties (IOCC) (21)
- International Republican Institute (44)
- International Rescue Committee (1433)
- International Telecommunication Union (7)
- International Water Management Institute (2)
- Intrahealth International Ethiopia (28)
- Islamic Relief Ethiopia (154)
- Italian Association for Aid to Children (21)
- J
- K
- L
- Last Mile Health (LMH) (8)
- Lawyers for Human Right (79)
- Lay Volunteers International Association (27)
- Life & Peace Institute (25)
- LifeWater International (46)
- Light for the World (46)
- Link Community Development (9)
- Link Education International (31)
- Love for Children and Family Development Charitable Organization (1)
- Luminos Fund (32)
- M
- Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development (107)
- Malaria Consortium (2)
- Management Science for Health (MSH) (94)
- Management Sciences for Health (35)
- Mary Joy Development Association (14)
- Mary Joy Ethiopia (27)
- Maternity Foundation (22)
- Mathiwos Wondu-Ye Ethiopia Cancer Society (33)
- Max Foundation (6)
- MEDA-Mennonite Economic Development Associates (35)
- Médecins du Monde (MDM) (182)
- Médecins Sans Frontières (339)
- Mekdim Ethiopia National Association (MENA) (109)
- Meles Zenawi Foundation (6)
- Mennonite Central Committee (1)
- Mercy Corps Ethiopia (655)
- MERSA Media Institute (37)
- Millennium DPI Feteh Activity (21)
- Mothers and Children Multisectoral Development Organization (MCMDO) (100)
- Mott MacDonald Ethiopia (4)
- N
- Nala Foundation (31)
- National Democratic Institute (29)
- Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (76)
- Network of Networks of HIV Positives in Ethiopia (26)
- Nia Foundation (4)
- NORC at the University of Chicago (5)
- Norwegian Church Aid - Ethiopia (27)
- Norwegian Refugee Council (556)
- Nuru International Ethiopia (18)
- Nutrition International (53)
- O
- OMO Child Charity Organization- OCCS (2)
- One Acre Fund (85)
- Operation Smile (28)
- Opportunities Industrialization Centers - Ethiopia (OIC-E) (14)
- Orbis International Ethiopia (67)
- Organization for Social Development (OSD) (1)
- Organization For Welfare and Development in Action (OWDA) (35)
- Oromia Pastoralist Association (17)
- OWS Development Fund (25)
- Oxfam Great Britain (271)
- Oxford Policy Management (OPM) (54)
- P
- PACT Ethiopia (75)
- Palladium (133)
- Panagora Group (1)
- Partner Africa (1)
- Partners In Health (1)
- Pastoralist Concern (23)
- PATH Ethiopia (115)
- Path Ministries International (29)
- Pathfinder International Ethiopia (65)
- People In Need - PIN (279)
- Plan International Ethiopia (739)
- Population Council Ethiopia (21)
- Population Health and Environment – Ethiopia Consortium (PHE EC) (62)
- Positive Action for Development (PAD) (78)
- PRO PRIDE (15)
- Professional Alliance for Development-PADet (52)
- Project Concern International (20)
- Project Harar Ethiopia (24)
- Project HOPE (22)
- Project HOPE Ethiopia (40)
- Project Mercy (26)
- Project-E (19)
- Protection Respect and Opportunity for Children's on the Street (PORCS) (2)
- Q
- R
- Rainforest Alliance (1)
- Reach Ethiopia (141)
- Reach for Change Ethiopia (35)
- Reach The Needy Ethiopia (RTN-Ethiopia) (27)
- Redeem the Generation (5)
- Refuges & Returnees Services (5)
- Resolve to save lives (23)
- Results for Development (R4D) (13)
- Rift Valley Children and Women Development Organization (RCWDO) (38)
- Right to Play Ethiopia (57)
- Rise Project (1)
- Roots Ethiopia (15)
- RTI International (102)
- Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (24)
- Rural Community Based Development Initiatives Association (RCBDIA) (20)
- S
- Samaritan's Purse (321)
- Samuel Hall East Africa (1)
- Sasakawa Africa Association (22)
- Save Your Holy Land Association (SYHLA) (30)
- Selamta Family Project (9)
- Send a Cow Ethiopia (48)
- Shamida Bright Vision Childrens welfare Association (29)
- SimPrints (2)
- Social Impact (42)
- Society for Education, Environment and Development (SEED) (17)
- Sodo Buee Child and Family Development Charitable Organization (34)
- Solidaridad (66)
- SOS Children's Villages Ethiopia (169)
- SOS Sahel Ethiopia (50)
- Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE) (1)
- Splash International (64)
- Stand for Integrated Development Ethiopia (SID Ethiopia (24)
- Stand For Vulnerable Organization (SVO) (26)
- STiR Education (1)
- Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) (2)
- Story Changers (1)
- Strengthenig Education for Mining Project (STEM) (2)
- T
- Target Human Rights Organizations (11)
- Tearfund Ethiopia (55)
- Technoserve Ethiopia (286)
- Terre des Hommes (47)
- TESFA Social and Development Association /TSDA/ (44)
- Tetra Tech (22)
- The African Constituency Bureau to the Global Fund (20)
- The Bilateral Ethiopia - Netherlands Effort for Food, Income and Trade (BENEFIT) in Ethiopia (8)
- The Brooke Hospital for Animals (37)
- The Carter Center - Ethiopia (135)
- The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) (1)
- The CENTER for VICTIMS of TRAUMA (123)
- The Children’s Heart Fund of Ethiopia (CHFE) (24)
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1)
- The Development Fund (6)
- The Ethiopian Assemblies of God Church Aid and Development Association (EAGC-ADA) (8)
- The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus-Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY-DASSC) (2)
- The Fred Hollows foundation Ethiopia (79)
- The Hunger Project Ethiopia (31)
- The Leprosy Mission (TLM) (32)
- The Mitchell Group, Inc (57)
- The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (14)
- The ONE Campaign (4)
- The Well in Action (37)
- Three Roots International (31)
- TIMRAN (46)
- Timret Lehiwot Ethiopia (2)
- Together! Ethiopian Resident Charity Organization (1)
- Tony Blair Institute (2)
- Transparency Ethiopia (8)
- Triggerise Ethiopia (32)
- U
- UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (1)
- UNDP - United Nations Development Programme (104)
- UNESCO Ethiopia (1)
- UNHCR - Ethiopia (194)
- UNICEF (43)
- UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (49)
- Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Associations (UEWCA) (32)
- United Nations (80)
- United Nations Population Fund | Ethiopia (67)
- United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) (27)
- UNOPS (105)
- V
- W
- Wako Gutu Foundation (52)
- Water Aid Ethiopia (1)
- Water and Irrigation Resource Development Bereau (Gambella) (6)
- Water Witness International (24)
- Weema International Inc (27)
- Westminster Foundation for Democracy (5)
- Whiz Kids Workshop (44)
- Women Empowerment – Action (WE-Action) (32)
- Women’s Hope International (3)
- World Bank | Ethiopia (44)
- World Food Programme (73)
- World Health Organization (12)
- World Learning (1)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (8)
- World Resources Institute (25)
- World Share (1)
- World Together Ethiopia (40)
- World Vision Ethiopia (1284)
- Y
- Z