TOR for Assessment of the performance of IVR based advisory services for dairy farmers 58 views

About the Job

This Terms of Reference (ToR) document refers to assessment of the performance of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) based advisory services for dairy farmers in selected regions in Ethiopia within the DAAS project. The Digital Agricultural Advisory Services (DAAS) project, spearheaded by Digital Green and Precision Development (PxD), has been a transformative initiative over the past five years. This project has focused on enhancing the livelihoods of dairy farmers in the Amhara, Oromia, Sidama, and SNNP regions through innovative mobile phone-based interventions. Precision Development led the dairy interventions through use cases designed to improve mainly the input value chain of dairy farming. The project is approaching the final stages of implementation and so far has reached approximately 700K dairy farmers across the four regions. The major activities covered under this ToR include enumerator training, data collection (quantitative and qualitative data), data quality checks and assurance, data entry, analysis and reporting. The firm will operate in close collaboration with PxD for this task.

Objective of the assignment

  • To fully understand the project’s impact (beyond numbers) and gather valuable insights, PxD finds it necessary to conduct quantitative and qualitative in-person surveys.
  • This survey aims at achieving the following outputs
  • To gain in-depth information/understanding about farmers’ experience and opinions
  •  to capture success stories on best practices
  • To capture lessons learned from the field.
  • By doing so, we hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the DAAS project has transformed dairy farming practices and contributed to the livelihoods of farmers. It is believed that this assessment will not only showcase the project’s achievements but also guide future interventions, ensuring continued support and development for dairy farmers.

Activity Plan

The table below provides anticipated major activities and timelines.

ActivitiesTentative Timeline
Training for enumerators
Qualitative and quantitative data collection in selected woredas
Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from the field
Write up – report and stories

Note: Final milestones and deliverables will be set in the contract that is signed with the selected firm.

About You

Required Qualification and Experience

The firm who is applying to do this activity should possess the following:

  • Must be a legally registered entity in Ethiopia, and with team members trained and experienced in agriculture, economics, statistics or related development fields.
  • Must demonstrate a high level of experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative surveys in rural Ethiopia in line with international best practices
  • Must have strong experience in data cleaning, data entry, analysis and reporting evidenced through past experience.
  • Two letters of work accomplishment or letter of recommendations from recognized service recipients in the past.
  • The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality and the Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method


  • The contracted firm will be paid in tranches based on the delivery of agreed outputs at the different milestones set for the project in the finalized agreement.

Required Skills

  • Leadership

Application materials 

  • Detailed scope of work and timeline discussing your approach to producing the main deliverables. 
  • Detailed budget (in birr) together with unit costs for all listed budget lines
  • Both the scope of work and budget should be presented with a maximum of 5 pages
  • CVs of key staff who will be involved in this project
  • Two letters of  work accomplishment or letter of recommendations from recognized service recipients in the past.
  • Include an example of a report that the firm produced from a past assignment. 

Submission of materials & deadline 

Submit all application materials to [email protected] or [email protected] before 05 August, 2024.

More Information

  • This job has expired!

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