Call for Consultancy – To Conduct Impact Study of Transformative Rural Access 111 views

Job Description

ToR to conduct Impact study of Transformative Rural Access

for Improved Livelihoods Project.

1.    Background:

The Transformative Rural Access for Improved Livelihoods/TRAIL project, being implemented in collaboration with Bridges to Prosperity and regional governments, is funded by the Helmsley Charitable Trust and aims to establish first-mile transport connectivity in rural Ethiopia. The project plans to construct 150 co-financed trial bridges across six regions. By the end of the year I (July 2022 to June 2023), 13 bridges were completed, primarily in Amhara. Year II (July 2023 to July 2024) will see the construction of 68 bridges in five regions. An end-line survey/post-building assessment will be conducted in Amhara to evaluate the impact of the completed bridges.

The impact study will occur from May 22 to 21st June 2024 in sampled trail bridge locations across the Amhara region. The assessment aims to evaluate the utilization and effectiveness of trail bridges and document their impact on the development of new markets and infrastructure resulting from the bridge construction. Thus, Helvetas Ethiopia would like to hire a competent consultancy firm to conduct an impact study in the Amhara region.

2.    Objectives of Impact Study

  • Assess the effectiveness/contribution of the sampled trail bridges in improving livelihoods, education, health, and market access within their catchment areas.
  • Evaluate the impact of trail bridges on lives saved. accidents prevented? reducing travel time for activities such as school attendance, healthcare visits, market access, access to administrative centers.
  • What are the main benefits of the trail bridges according to the beneficiaries’ perspective? Eg. Safer access? or time saved? or convenience?  – Prioritization
  • Examine changes in student attendance at schools located across rivers post-bridge construction.
  • Analyze the change in patient visits to health facilities across rivers following trail bridge construction.
  • Document the development of new infrastructure or activities. near bridge sites.
  • Understand the current utilization of bridges through household surveys and two-day traffic counts at each site- disaggregated by gender and age for the daily traffic count.
  • Evaluate the establishment and functionality of Bridge Maintenance Committees (BMC) at surveyed bridge locations.
  • Document the current condition of the bridges. Photographic evidence.

3.    Scope of the Assignment

Geographically, the evaluation is expected to encompass Seven Trail bridge sites namely, Marwuha in Enebsie Sarmidir woreda, Misku in Ziqual woreda, Gendawuha in Adagn Ager Chako woreda, Gazo in Wadila woreda, Tana Beles in North Achefer & Alefa woredas, Ataye in Jilietimuga woreda and Enseya in Adirakay woreda.

The study will assess the progress of the project towards the project goal and objectives from July 2022 to December 2023. Thus, it will cover the following impact and outcome indicators:

Project Goal: Improved rural access and enabling environment created for first-mile transport connectivity.


  • % of rural communities got access to improved service delivery. Or (Increase in school attendance and health center frequentation).
  • Average time travel by the community to access the nearest service delivery.  Or (hour/min) time reduction.
  • Capacity of supported government bureaus to create an enabling environment for first-mile transport connectivity.

Outcome 1.1: Regional government has increased capacity to plan, implement, and maintain trail bridges.


  • % of the community who benefited from the construction of trail bridges.
  • % of trail bridges managed by the government as per the quality.

Outcome 1.2: The private sector has strengthened its capacity to design and construct trail bridges.


  • Percentage of consultants and contractors managed and able to build and supervise TB as defined standard/quality.

Outcome 1.3: The Community has a sense of ownership and capability for the maintenance of trail bridges.


  • % of community representatives have shown a sense of ownership.
  • % of trail bridges in good or very good state of maintenance
  • % of community representatives can maintain trail bridges

4. Methodology

In this review/evaluation, both quantitative and qualitative methods shall be employed. To capture relevant information and to triangulate the findings of the assessment, mixed methods and tools would be used. The methodologies include:

  1. A comprehensive household survey will be implemented to measure the impact & outcome indicators indicated above.
  2. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will include questions on key impact; attribution; enabling factors; unmet needs; etc.
  3. A thorough document review (project document, progress reports, and other relevant documents) should be reviewed to establish the set strategies and how they were addressed by the project.
  4. Observation
  5. Data shall be collected via Android smartphone (Kobo collect).
  6. People living in the bridge catchment areas should be included in the sampling frame.

The consultant should prepare a detailed methodology for conducting the evaluation taking into consideration the local context. Scientifically appropriate and valid sampling techniques, data collection tools, and data analysis procedures and techniques shall be briefed.  The sample size and proposed tools will be discussed and approved by the project team before the commencement of the evaluation.

5. Deliverables:

  • Inception Report detailing the research methodology, sample size, indicators, and research tools (HH survey, KII, FGD) to be implemented.
  • Pre-testing of tools at least one bridge site
  • Orientation and training on the methodology and research tools will be conducted for the research enumerators.
  • Detailed report disaggregated by gender and age, where possible presenting the findings of the impact study in the Amhara region, covering utilization patterns, impact on travel time reduction, changes in student attendance, increase in patient visits, trail bridge maintenance, and development of new markets and infrastructure.
  • Recommendations aimed at enhancing bridge maintenance practices and ensuring the sustainability of trail bridges.
  • Presentation of key findings to stakeholders and relevant government agencies.

General Description of Impact Study Report:

The Impact Study Report serves as an internal document that analyzes and documents the impact outcomes in the Amhara region. It is based on the analysis and interpretation of site-specific baseline/end-line data, as well as narratives from communities and key stakeholders. This report will be supplemented with impact results from other regions at a later stage. The analysis will also include valuable lessons learned and recommendations for phase 2.

4.    Timeline:

  • 22nd May: inception report
  • 20th to 31st May: data collection (in Amhara region)
  • 1st to 7th June: draft report preparation
  • 8th June: submission of first draft report
  • 8th to 20th June: review the draft report and discussion on lessons and recommendations.
  • 21st to 25th June: final report preparation
  • 26th June: final report submission

5.    Payment Modality

The payment plan shall be based on deliverables outlined upon the successful and satisfactory completion of activities. Therefore, the payment terms shall be as follows:

  • 20% upon submission of data gathering tools and inception reports.
  • 30% on submission of the first draft reports.
  • 50% on the final submission of the reports and with the approval of the project team.

6.    Ethical Considerations

  • The study is expected to respect the basic ethical principles of HELVETAS Ethiopia and international standardized research codes of ethics.
  • All research/study participants need to be informed primarily about the objectives and process of the study.
  • All the study-related documents including data-gathering tools, checklists, and forms will be HELVETAS Ethiopia property.

Job Requirements

7.  Minimum qualification and experience

  • Transport economics, transport engineering/planning, infrastructure, economics/econometrics, project management, social science and other related fields with MA/MSc.
  • Minimum of 6 years of relevant professional job experience (impact evaluation, data collection and analysis, etc.).
  • Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including statistical sampling.
  • Present proof of at least three years of related consultancy and work experience in the sector.
  • Providing a sample report of at least one consultancy work accomplished in the area is advantageous.
  • Renewed and Valid professional license of the consultancy firm.
  • Experience working with local communities and non-governmental organizations.
  • Excellent writing, editing, attention to detail and organizational skills.
  • Skills proficiency in Kobo toolbox and mobile data collection is mandatory.
  • The consultant should complete the whole work within the given time frame and deliver the required documents.


  • Documents such as personal profiles and other credentials with a cover letter should be included in the technical proposal. The technical proposal should be typed in 12-point font, no longer than 7 pages.
  • The applicant shall list and briefly describe the name(s), qualifications, and responsibilities of the staff proposed to work on the assignment. (CVs of proposed personnel should be included in an annex and not counted toward the page limit).
  • Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted in separate envelopes. 

2.    Evaluation Criteria

S/NCriteriaMaximum Score/Points
1Understanding of the TOR:

  • Understanding of the objectives and intervention strategies of the project
  • Understanding of the purposes of the study
  • Understanding of the content of the ToR
  • Possible constructive comments on the ToR
2Methodology: appropriate methodology/approach to conduct the study

  • Appropriate sampling methods
  • Appropriate data collection tools
  • Reliability and appropriateness of the suggested methods
  • Techniques of data analysis leading to originality, meaningful conclusion, and feasible/operational recommendations
3Proposal presentation:

  • Simplicity (absence of complexity and unnecessary jargon)
  • Lucid flow of ideas
  • Clarity and logical flow of the Work Plan
  • Minimum level of errors, including mechanics; demonstrating presentation of an excellent standard
  • Reasonableness of the period proposed.
4Relevant Experience, Team Composition and Unique (extra) Qualities:

  • Team leader educational qualification and relevance to this assignment
  • Team member’s educational qualification and their relevance to this assignment
  • Related work experience of team leader and team members
 Total Technical80%
5Financial Proposal:

  • Note: To consider the financial proposal for a given firm, the evaluation result of a technical proposal shall be >60 out of 80.

Instructions for Submission of Proposal

  • Bids must be accompanied by renewed trade license/certificates, VAT, TIN Registration Certificate and other supporting letter/s that they have paid the taxes for the government. (Tax Clearance)
  • Bidders should submit Technical and Financial proposals separately by clearly marking them as such.
  • Besides, previous relevant experience supported with letter of recognition from client/s is/are mandatory.

Interested and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by sending their Technical and Financial Proposal with the above mentioned documents, and send applications only through [email protected] .

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