VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE POSITION OF Project Officer for Tila Project 58 views

About the Job

The Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) is an Ethiopian civil society development organization that works with other organizations to promote, facilitate, and build organizational capacity to make government and non-governmental service delivery and development programs accessible to, and inclusive of persons with disabilities.

ECDD is implementing ‘Tila’ project funded by the Master Card Foundation through the Ministry of Labor and Skills1 from the fund obtained from to work on innovative approaches to access employment for persons with disabilities in Tigray, Addis Ababa, Oromia, and Amhara regions. The project aims at securing the livelihood of persons with disabilities through inclusive and innovative approaches to skills training and transition to employment. The project is attempting to address the current livelihood problems of youth with disabilities in the target areas.

Therefore, Tila is operating in Mekelle, Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, and Adama cities in the aforementioned regions aiming creating jobs for youth with disabilities in the target areas.  Beneficiaries will take both soft and hard skills training in collaboration with various TVETs once they are identified. After receiving the training, they will be transited to job creation opportunities in two ways. First, wage employment will be facilitated by lobbying various employers. Two, they will be guided to be engaged in self-employment by enabling them to either form IGA groups or establish micro-level businesses at the individual level. Loans will also be facilitated for them to ensure the effectiveness of their businesses.

The other component of the project is capacitating different stakeholders such as employers, government bodies, TVETs, OPDs, etc. On the other hand, work on the accessibility improvement of training institutions is the other important activity of Tila. For the implementation of the project, ECDD wishes to employ a project officer at the Bahir Dar and Mekelle project areas for one year (from July 10, 2024-June 30, 2025) with the below specifications:


Description of Tasks

The Project Officer reports to the Project Coordinator.  The project officer is responsible for the overall implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of activities and results of the project.

Specifically, the project officer will:

  • Prepare an annual Work Plan for the implementation of Tila project activities
  • Participate in the planning, implementation, and reporting of project activities.
  • Organize workshops, trainings, and events.
  • Facilitate inclusive skills training/TVET opportunities for youth with disabilities.
  • Provide technical support and build the capacity of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), TVETs, local government offices, and the private sector to address the training and employment needs of youth with disabilities.
  • Facilitate the provision of loans through MFIs for youth with disabilities engaged in income-generating activities.
  • Follow-up and monitoring of youth with disabilities in training and employment.
  • Follow-up and monitor partnerships developed between TVET institutions, employers, and government authorities toward realizing disability-inclusive TVET in Ethiopia.
  • Design and implement systems to assist disability inclusion community promoters (DICP) for the mobilization of youth with disabilities to soft and hard skills.
  • Ensure observance of the ECDD Child and Adults-at-Risk Policy by project staff and partners, in consultation with the ECDD Safeguarding Focal Person.
  • Monitor and evaluate progress on achievement of project results, and provide data and information to the ECDD M&E Officer.
  • Prepare quarterly reports of activities accomplished, in collaboration with the Project Officer.
  • Oversee the collection, documentation, and dissemination of lessons learned, case stories, and good practices of the project and its partners.
  • Undertake such other tasks as may be assigned by the ECDD Program Team Lead, Deputy Program Director, or Program Director.

About You

Required qualifications:

  • Education: BA degree or above in Social Work, Sociology, Business Administration or a related field
  • Professional Experience: minimum 2 years of responsibility for the implementation of donor/funded projects related to vocational skills training and work
  • Good understanding of national TVET policies and strategies, and extensive knowledge of other organizations active in livelihoods-related work in Ethiopia
  • Good understanding and experience in disability inclusion
  • Previous professional work in vocational skills training is desirable
  • Previous professional experience working with persons with disabilities is desirable
  • Excellent interpersonal relationships and teamwork
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Fluency in English, Tigrigna and Amharic. or Ethiopian Sign Language, knowledge of other Ethiopian languages is also advantageous.

Required Skills

  • Project management

Desired Skills

  • Project management
  • Effective communication and sociability

Qualified individuals with disabilities, especially women with disabilities, are encouraged to apply.  ECDD gives priority to employment to qualified candidates with disabilities.  ECDD will meet the required reasonable accommodation costs to enable employees with disabilities to meet the requirements of the position. Interested and qualified applicants who met the MINIMUM requirements should submit their updated CV and Cover letter attaching to the ECDD online application form through   the link.

Application Deadline: 5 consecutive days starting from the day this vacancy is posted.


ECDD is a disability-based organization committed to safeguarding all Children and Adults with and without disabilities. ECDD has zero tolerance for incidents of violence or abuse against children or adults, including sexual exploitation or abuse, committed by employees, volunteers, consultants, or contractors working with us where development and humanitarian programs are implemented. ECDD also has Zero Tolerance for Corruption. Thus, ECDD expects everyone who works for it is expected to respect ECDD’s Children and Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy, Anti-Corruption Policy, and other legal frameworks. Violations of the stated policies will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.

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