Call for Consultancy 43 views

About the Job

  1. Summary

The Consultant will oversee shooting raw video footage (as per agreed site shots/interviews) in Addis Ababa. The video will cover the Core life skill training and interviews of selected project participants. Through this video assignment, we aim to produce 1 video to highlight the Personal Understanding and Exploration module of the Core Life Skills Training.  The video will show the perspective participants on the types of insights and lessons they have learned from this module.  This content can be used for multiple purposes, showcasing the importance of the topic for other youth and service providers.


  1.  Background


About Light for the World


Light for the World is a global disability and development organization. We empower people with disabilities and enable eye health services in low-income countries. Over the last three decades, we have improved health systems, enabled education for all, and amplified the voices of people with disabilities.

Our programs include:

  • Eye Health – preventing blindness and promoting eye health for all.
  • Inclusive Education – ensuring children with disabilities receive quality, inclusive education.
  • Inclusive Economic Empowerment – ensuring that barriers are removed for men and women with disabilities to access decent work.


We Can Work Programme Brief


The We Can Work program will improve access to dignified and fulfilling work for 1,000,000 young women and men with disabilities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal over eight years (2023 – 2030). In each country, teams of Disability Inclusion Advisors and Facilitators will support the development of Mastercard Foundation’s internal and partner capacity to mainstream disability in all Young Africa Works programs.

The program will further deploy targeted skills-building and entrepreneurship support interventions for young women and men with disabilities to successfully transition to work. We Can Work is instrumental in realizing the ambitions of Mastercard Foundation about Disability Inclusion.


Changing systems and minds


The program is based on four outcomes that will equip young people with disabilities with leadership skills, support new and existing Young Africa Works programs on becoming more disability-inclusive, and directly provide skills training to the most marginal young women and men with disabilities.

At the foundation of We Can Work are young women and men with disabilities, who will be the drivers of change, contributing to all outcomes. The program will roll out the Disability Inclusion Facilitator (DIF) approach, where young women and men with disabilities lead the change process towards a more inclusive society. Targeted communication activities geared towards cultivating self-advocacy and the invaluable life experience that DIFs bring are an effective way to change mindsets and convey the importance of disability inclusion.


  1. Outcome 1: Young women and men with disabilities drive positive change around disability inclusion.
  2. Outcome 2: Young women and men with disabilities have formed start-ups and agribusiness and are growing their enterprises or accessing waged jobs due to direct interventions.
  3. Outcome 3: The Young Africa Works program and other system actions intentionally and meaningfully reach out to young women and men with disabilities and ensure that they equally benefit from programs and services.
  4. Outcome 4: Young women and men with disabilities enact agency by contributing to national and regional advocacy processes to implement youth and disability-inclusive policies.
  5. Purpose

The purpose of this assignment is to produce one video document for the Core Life Skills module of the We Can Work program with a duration of 8 minutes, with a specific focus on the Personal Understanding and Exploration module. The documentation will serve as a tool for advocacy, training, and promoting the achievements and methodologies of the We Can Work program.


  1. Scope of Work


The selected audio-visual service provider will be responsible for the following:


  • Produce one 8-minute video document on the Core Life Skills module of the We Can Work program, with a specific focus on the Personal Understanding and Exploration module.
  • Discuss and agree on the video shots to be taken, before venturing to the sites in Addis Ababa. The duration of the Personal Understanding and Exploration Module documentation is for 2 days, in the 2nd week of August at Addis Ababa.
  • Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with selected project participants, authorities, and stakeholders.
  • Include within the video, voice-overs, (showing interventions done in the project communities), and sub-titles.
  • Document experiences and stories, views, and opinions shared by selected participants including young people with diverse disabilities, caregivers, personal assistants, and facilitators in the form of videography, and narratives.
  • Ensure sensitivity and respect for cultural practices, privacy, and consent during the documentation process.
  • Submit the raw and edited videos to the We Can Work program team in the agreed format and within the specified timeline, with key consideration for accessibility of materials produced.
  • All the documentation processes including a collection of videos, and audio files should be based on informed consent- Light for the World Ethiopia shall provide copies of consent forms for issuance to participants/interviewees.




About You

  1. Qualification and Experiences


  • College degree in journalism, communication, public relations, or marketing
  • Must have been working with media for at least ten years.
  • Must have a minimum of 5 years experience in video production
  • Evidence of completing development/project video documentaries required
  • Must have a team member who is fluent in written and spoken English language.
  • Must have valid travel documents.   


  1. Call for consultancy 


The consultancy firm shall provide technical and financial proposals including the following:

  • Description of the consultants, incl. CVs of the suggested team members.
  • The technical proposal will include an introduction, work, an understanding of the TOR, clear consultancy work objectives, scope of work, deliverables, methodologies, and approach, work plan, Team composition, Profile of consultancy firm, and other relevant information.
  • A detailed approach and methodology for achieving the goal of the assignment.
  • A detailed schedule incl. steps to be taken and responsibilities of team members.
  • Statement of availability for conducting the assignment.
  • Financial offer, incl. professional fees, incl. taxes, and incidentals

Required Skills

  • Social media
  • Effective communication and sociability
  • Social media/digital communication

Interested consultancy firm that meet the required qualifications and experience should submit their 


technical and financial proposals within 7 days effective from the advertisement date of this TOR. Light for


 the World may require proof of similar experience in the form of previous reports and/or references during the selection process. 


Interested applicants should submit their technical proposal and financial


 proposal (in separate two envelopes for the technical and financial proposals) in hardcopy and


 softcopy (CD-ROM) with a sealed and stamped/Signed envelope before 


or on July 29, 24 before the close of the business to Light for the world. 


Contact Address


Interested consultancy firms could forward any questions for clarification through the email


address below before July,26,24. LFTW will provide summarized 


clarifications through email on August 27, 2024, to create a better understanding of the scope of work.


Email: [email protected]

Location: Bole Road, Behind Aberus Building, Bedesta Building 5th Floor, Addis Ababa 

P.O.Box: 27744 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Telephone: +251 115 580458 / +251 115 580423 Attention to Ephrem Taye or Frehiwot Assefa 

More Information

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