Develop Working Framework for the National Disability Inclusion Coordination Forum (NDICF) based on a Rapid Assessment 29 views

Job Description

1.     Background

Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) is an Ethiopian Development Organization established in 2005 and reregistered by Agency for Civil Society Organizations as Ethiopian Development Organization with a Certificate № 0321 under the Proclamation № 1113/2019. ECDD is working with other organizations to promote and facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities and disability issues in mainstream service delivery and development programs envisioning an Inclusive Ethiopia where persons with disabilities exercise the same rights and have access to the same services and opportunities enjoyed by other citizens.

ECDD is currently implementing a project entitled “Enhanced Coordination and Networking among disability inclusion stakeholders to Promote Disability Rights” funded by British Council with the goal of strengthening OPDs, CSOs, and National Disability Inclusion Coordination Forums/Networks to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and influence duty-bearers with enhanced bargaining power.

The existing empirical and narrative literatures show that the involvement of persons with disabilities in exercising their civil, social, economic and political rights need to be reframed, in such a way that systematic and unsystematic barriers to active and full participation need to be addressed. One of the key areas towards ensuring active and full participation of Persons with Disabilities is to create a strong coordination mechanism where actors working on areas of disability and disability inclusion come together with a shared and aligned vision. National Disability Inclusion Collaboration Forum (NDICF) was formed to maximize the benefits of collaboration among Government, OPDs, CSOs, INGOs, etc. with a structure of General Assembly, Steering Committee/Advisory Committee, Secretariat and working groups and task forces. TOR was also developed but focused only on the areas of collaboration, defining the structure and the roles and responsibilities. There is no clearly defined strategy and working modality for effective, stronger and sustainable collaboration i.e there is lack of defined framework for GO-NGO collaboration.


2.    General Objectives


The overall objective of the study is to examine the role of the GO-NGO collaboration and the existing challenges with the aim of proposing a working framework and policy directions.

3.    Specific Objectives

The specific objectives would be:

Ø  To examine the present state of collaboration among the Government, OPDs, CSOs, etc.

Ø  To identify the understanding of members about their roles and responsibilities in the National Disability Inclusion Collaboration Forum (NDICF)

Ø  To explore whether the existing activities (e.g. annual meetings and agendas) has achieved the stipulated objectives of NDICF

Ø  To identify the existing legal frameworks, attitudes and administrative bureaucracies of the government towards NGOs and its implication on GO-NGO collaboration

Ø  To explore the implications of disparities in organizational goals, priorities and interests of both the government and NGOs on the success of GO-NGO collaboration

Ø  To identify challenges influencing collaboration among the Government, CSOs, INGOs, OPDs, etc.

Ø  To identify potential areas of mutual support and collaboration among the Government, CSOs, INGOs, OPDs, etc.

Ø  To propose viable working framework and policy direction for effective GO-NGO collaboration

Ø  To identify and propose mechanisms of sustaining NDICF


4.     Significance of the study

Ø  Providing empirical basis for further strengthening the collaboration among the Government, CSOs INGOs, OPDs, , etc.

Ø  Providing relevant working framework, policy options,  future interventions, sustainability mechanisms.

5.     Methodology

The study will apply both quantitative and qualitative method

Ø  Questionnaires to measure variables of the study that will identify the extent of collaboration among government, CSOs, INGOs, OPDs, etc., its challenges and potential solutions

Ø  Interview method to triangulate the quantitative result

Sources of Data

The data for this study will be collected both from primary and secondary sources.

Ø  Primary data will be collected through interview and structured questionnaire

Ø  Secondary data will be collected from relevant publications, journal articles, reports, government publications, rules, regulations and acts, websites etc. Comprehensive study of the existing literature should be conducted in order to identify Models/frameworks of collaboration as well as experiences of other countries

Sample Size

Ø  A total of 60 respondents selected representatives from government, CSOs, INGO, OPD, etc. should be involved in the quantitative and qualitative study.

6.    Key Deliverables:


o   Inception report: detailing the methodology including the main research methods, the sampling framework, proposed sources of data, procedures for data collection and analysis, and a draft but detailed table of contents. The proposed research tools will be discussed and approved by ECDD before data collection commences.

o   First draft report, incorporating working framework and policy direction for effective GO-NGO collaboration. A second round of revision may be required before the final version of the Final Report can be produced,

o   A final report (one electronic copy in PDF Format and one in DOC format)

o   An electronic copy of all data collection tools and the study data set.

o   A final presentation of the overall findings to the stakeholders for validation

o   Incorporating all feedbacks given in the validation workshop

Job Requirements

1.     Selection Procedure and Requirements


o   Selection of consulting firms/individuals will be based on technical competency including but not limited to expertise and experience in the area of organizational development and research

o   Realistic and feasible financial proposal will also determine the success of securing  the consultancy offer.

2.     Qualifications and Expertise Required


o   Post-graduate degree in Social Sciences, Business, Economics, Statistics or related field.

o   Minimum of 6 years relevant professional experience in research and policy development.

o   Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis.

o   Technical expertise in assessing issues related to organizational system

o   Excellent communication and report writing skills.

3.     Application Procedure and Requirements:

Interested firms or individuals are required to submit the following documents:

o   A technical proposal with detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and key selection criteria for respondents.

o   Initial work plan based on methodology outlined, and indication of availability

o   Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references

o   Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.

4.     Time Frame


o   The first draft of the report shall be submitted to ECDD within 30 working days after the signing of the agreement;

o   The final work shall be delivered to ECDD in hard and soft copies not later than 10 working days after receipt of comments on the first draft from ECDD.

5.     Mode of Payment


o   First installment of 40% of the total agreed fee upon the signing of the agreement;

o   Second installment of 20% upon submission of the draft assessment report

o   Final installment i.e. the 40% after submission of final assessment report

Interested bidders shall submit the aforementioned documents through [email protected] or hand-delivered in a sealed envelope to ECDD office- Located behind Dreamliner Hotel Meskel Flower Road; Tel: +251-114-165859/0116-653916/or PO. Box: 1530 Code 1250; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia not later than December 10, 2022.

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