Executive Director of ECSOC 47 views

Job Description

Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations Council (ECSOC) is established in December 2020 as a statutory apex body governed by the full participation of all CSOs operating in Ethiopia. As per Article 85 of the CSOs Proclamation No.1113/2019, the Council aims at ensuring the Civil Society Sector’s transparency and accountability using international principles as well as national values to promote self-governance of the ongoing operation of the CSOs sector. ECSOC has statutory mandates of representing & coordinating the CSOs sector, enacting self-regulation advising the Authority for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) about CSOs registration & administration. Moreover, to fulfill its mandates, ECSOC plays key role such as knowledge production & dissemination, leading advocacy efforts, promoting and protecting the civil society sector and strengthening networking and partnership among and beyond the CSOs sector.
Purpose of the role:
The Executive Director is a senior management position and is responsible for facilitating coordination among members of ECSOC, Executive Committee, and external key stakeholders. The coordination entails ensuring effective information exchange, as well as representing and advocating on common positions and agreed interests of ECSOC, CSO’s sector and the wider public.
The Executive Director is also responsible for building and sustaining productive relationships between stakeholders on one hand and government, UN agencies, donors and wider Civil Society in country on the other. The Executive Director is also responsible for the general management of the council’s secretariat office and its staff. In addition, the Executive Director is expected to manage effective and regular communication with ECSOC’s Executive Committee.
The Executive Director supports the work of the Council through the following key tasks:
Strategic management and oversight of the ECSOC Secretariat
  • Strategic day-to-day management of ECSOC’s Secretariat staff, office, budget and relationship with the principle donor and members (includes report writing).
  • Support the executive Committee to develop strategic annual priorities and engage closely with them   to ensure Secretariat functions in line with these.
  • In close consultation with the President of the ECSOC, act as focal point for information/experience sharing with and with in the sector on relevant issues and work with key Secretariat staff to manage membership process, mailing lists and communication products.
  • Maintain a thorough understanding and develop messaging on operational constraints and policy related issues affecting ECSOC in country as well as broader political developments. Read, synthesize and analyses political and security updates.
  • In consultation with the executive committee, conduct policy analysis, analyse information, and draft common ECSOC position/policy papers on key issues affecting the CSOs sector.
  • Provide a conduit for the members, government, donor representatives and other stakeholders to communicate and coordinate with the sector
  • Participate in important government, and other policy and planning processes together with the executive committee presidents and members
  • Ensure the council’s activity costs are budgeted for and fully covered. Explore sustainable funding models beyond donor funding e.g. membership fees.
  • Along with the ECSOC executive Committee President and vice presidents and members, represent the members at high-level fora including International and national forums, multi-donor meetings and other representative bodies as required. Issues will be agreed by the executive Committee.
  • Increase and enhance engagement of and input from national into, regional and the international and create networking with like minded councils or establishment for joint engagement at sub-regional, regional and global level
  • Lead and conduct the regular statutory requirements like annual plans, reports and audits and present it to the members during general assembly.

Coordination and Communication

  • Ensure transparent coordination mechanisms and regular information-sharing between ECSOC, members, donors and government agencies and other stakeholders as relevant.
  • Schedule ECSOC annual/bi-annual/ regular meetings and ECSOC executive Committee meetings, draft agendas with the president and vices as appropriate, invite external speakers and follow up on relevant action points
  • Ensure executive Committee and Secretariat representation in the external engagements
  • Along with the ECSOC executive Committee president and members, represent the ECSOC at key  meetings with wider sector, donors, and GOE and ensure the dissemination of written feedback
  • Encourage active and open dialogue between the ECSOC Secretariat, executive Committee and  wider council members
  • Coordinate visits of like minded regional and global networks, advocacy groups, researchers, donors, and partners working on Ethiopia
  • Ensure the research, documentation and sharing of lessons learned/best practices on strategic or operational issues and actively share information with members and other coordination platforms
  • Identify gaps in research and analysis that, if addressed, would be useful by large numbers of the membership

Partnership Relations

  • Support roll-out of relevant guidelines and code of conducts etc by facilitating the engagement of members and various networks in country
  • Support ACSO to conduct scoping and information management of CSOs (National and International) active in development, advocacy and humanitarian sector
  • Provide an accessible first point of contact for general inquiries regarding the work of ECSOC
  • Provide orientation briefings to new members about the council, the bi-law and the code of conduct
  • Liaise with various similar coordination platforms in neighbouring countries in the region
  • Provide information, briefings, presentations on the function and structure of the ECSOC, best practices and lessons learned to other global consortiums/councils/forums or national coordination platforms on request
  • Maintain strong partner relations and engage in the identification of new potential partners
  • Maintain and/or develop productive relationships with key individuals in relevant government ministries, civil society, foreign and local NGO community, UN Missions, Diplomatic Corps, other donors, etc.
  • Work to ensure a smooth working relationship between secretariat and updating the executive Committee on issues affecting the secretariat

Human Resource Management

  • Provide leadership and direction, promote professional working relationships, and encourage ECSOC Secretariat’s staff
  • Lead regular internal coordination meetings and ensure staff support
  • Conduct regular performance appraisals identifying capacity building needs and further career objectives; follow-up, and maintain updated job descriptions
  • Identify and resolve staff conflicts and concerns in a timely manner
  • Recruit Secretariat staff in compliance with the secretariat recruitment procedures, including development of JDs, shortlisting and interviewing maintaining transparency and accountability

Position Type: National Staff

Location: Addis Ababa, with field travel

Work Station: Addis Ababa

Employment Type: Full time

Reports to: President of the ECSOC

Job Requirements


  • Minimum ten years of progressive national and/or international  experience working with NGOs, academic institutions, intergovernmental organizations, and  similar networks and forums,
  • Postgraduate qualifications in law, international relations, political science, development leadership or other related fields,
  • Demonstrated coordination experience in multi-agency forums,
  • Demonstrated leadership and management skills,
  • Documented skills in developing proposals, budgets and reports,
  • Significant experience in the development of advocacy, policy and key messaging documents,
  • Strong understanding of the Government system, CSOs, the private sector  and international principles of development,
  • Significant understanding of complex development contexts,
  • Proven communication, public speaking, interpersonal and negotiation skills,
  • Excellent computer literacy,
  • Fluency in written and spoken Amharic and English is required,
  • Holder of a valid driver’s license, plus

Interested candidates should submit their CVs and expression of interest/cover letter via  [email protected] before the deadline

Only short listed candidates will be contacted for further assessment,

References are required for finalists.

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