Request for External Audit Service 53 views

About the Job


ChildFund International has been working with vulnerable communities and groups of people including children, parents/caregivers, local partners and government agencies in Africa, Asia, and Americas operating in 23 countries and as part of a global partnership since 1938. ChildFund strives to make a difference in many lives. We are a child focused and community centered organization, that welcomes children and supporters of all nationalities and faiths to change the world through our programs. ChildFund is currently seeking the service of External Audit service for the project ending 30th September 2024.

Purpose and Scope of the Assignment 

ChildFund Ethiopia is seeking the service of an external audit for project entitled BMZ-” Strengthening of Vulnerable Women in Food Security, IGAs and Saving and Credit associations, as well as increased Environmental Protection in rural areas of Ethiopia” implemented by Care for Child and Faily Development Organization (CCFO) formerly Boset Child and Family Development Association Orimia Region, Dugda Children’s and Family Charitable Organization (DCFCO) Oromia Region and Tesfa Berhan Child and Family Development Organization ITBCFDO) -Amhara Region.

About You

Requisite Qualification

ChildFund is looking for an external audit service, the Auditor requires to meet the following conditions:

  1. The audit firm is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or institution which in turn is a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFA). The audit firm is a member of a national accounting or auditing body or institution and commits itself to undertake this engagement in accordance with the IFAC standards and ethics.
  2. The audit firm is registered as a statutory audit firm in the public register of a public oversight authority in the country and holds good records in performing credible financial audits among international non‐governmental organizations in the project country.
  3. The external auditor must be independent (especially independent from the local project partner). They should work to an internationally recognized standard.
  4. The auditor’s valid qualification (at the time at which the audit certificate is issued) as a recognized, independent auditor must be confirmed by the German embassy or a relevant, recognized institution in the partner country (e.g. a chamber of commerce or national association of auditors). The embassy’s confirmation, a qualification certificate or a print-out of the registry entry must be submitted with the audit certificate.

Required Skills

  • Communication
  • Auditing skills

Application Procedure 

Competent and interested service providers are requested to submit their proposal separately for each project which include the following to ChildFund Ethiopia office address stated below. 

  i.     A separate technical proposal which includes a capability statement detailing suitability for the assignment, similar assignments undertaken, references for the same, professional profiles of the team who will be involved in the assignment. The proposal should also include proposed work plan and timeline for the activities. Copies of legal documents including renewed license, TIN and VAT certificates need to be enclosed in the technical proposal.

ii.    A separately sealed financial proposal for each project which should be inclusive of all associated costs and taxes for the assignment. 

Interested service providers may collect the detailed ToR of the assignment from ChildFund Ethiopia office at the address stated below or alternatively send request for the ToR at email address [email protected].

The closing date for submission of proposal is 2pm September 19, 2024


ChildFund Ethiopia,

Bole Sub city – KebIe 03 H. No 2310

P. O. Box 5545- Tel: 011 661 29 28 

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


ChildFund Ethiopia reserves the right to accept or reject all or parts of the bid at any time with or without assigning any reason whatsoever.

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