- 2
- 5
- A
- A Glimmer of Hope (1)
- Abay Logistics PLC (44)
- Abays Trading PLC (115)
- Abbahawa Trading PLC (221)
- Abdi Gudina Adama Saving & Credit Cooperative Union Ltd (1)
- Abeba Gidey Trading House P.L.C (99)
- Abebech Gobena Children's Care and Development Association (AGOHELMA) (1)
- Abebech Gobena Children's Care and Development Association (AGOHELMA) (22)
- ABH Services plc (296)
- ABIG| Investment Group (153)
- Abt Associates (11)
- Abyssinia Flowers PLC (2)
- Abyssinya slaughter service house PLC (35)
- Acasus (2)
- ACCA (1)
- ACDI/VOCA Ethiopia (27)
- ACE Investment & Impact Advisor PLC (28)
- ACT American College (Ethiopia) (33)
- ACTED (130)
- Action Aid Ethiopia (82)
- Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization (ASDEPO) (151)
- Active Hub (2)
- ADCO Property Management (6)
- Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce & SA (3)
- Addis Ababa City Women's Association (9)
- Addis Ababa Food Security and Productive Safety Net Agency (1)
- Addis Ababa Silk Road Hospital (76)
- Addis Ababa University (37)
- Addis Cable and Wire Manufacturing (8)
- Addis Cardiac Center (44)
- Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH) (29)
- Addis Finder Trading Plc (99)
- Addis Guzo (26)
- Addis Integrated Development Organization (2)
- Addis International Bank S.C (86)
- Addis International Catering PLC (35)
- Addis Property Marketing Group (27)
- Addis Software PLC (2)
- Addis Transformers and Switchgears PLC (5)
- AddisMedia (1)
- Adera Medical center (1)
- Adika Taxi Services PLC (3)
- ADM Technologies PLC (7)
- ADP Ingenierie (2)
- Adready media production and advertising PLC (18)
- Advantage Industrials PLC (1)
- AECOM International Development (1)
- Aenki Architecture PLC (1)
- AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH (13)
- Afran Global Business PLC (10)
- Africa Juice Tibila S.C (1)
- African Cargo Terminals Limited (3)
- African Development Aid Association (ADAA) (4)
- African Disability Forum (22)
- African Mosaique (14)
- African Railway Center of Excellence (17)
- African Services Committee (2)
- African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) (8)
- African Venture Trading PLC (22)
- African Wildlife Foundation (5)
- Afriflower PLC (17)
- Afrique Oriental Hospitality Group (5)
- Agazework General Business PLC (2)
- Aged and Children Pastoralists Association (1)
- Agri Service Ethiopia (13)
- Agriconsulting Europe SA (23)
- Agricultural Businesses Corporation (4)
- Agriteam Canada Consulting PLC (3)
- Agriterra (32)
- Agro-BIG (7)
- Agropia Trading P.L.C (3)
- Aha Psychological Services (22)
- AHADU PLC (271)
- Ahadukes Food Products SC (63)
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation - Ethiopia (39)
- Akmase Import and Export (40)
- Al-Najma Company (5)
- Aleka Kebede Coffee Export (1)
- Alema Farms PLC (25)
- Alema Koudijs Feed PLC (38)
- Alemayehu General Contractor (17)
- Alephtav Consultancy and Trading PLC (56)
- Alessandra Frezza (13)
- Alinea International (24)
- Allure Communications (35)
- Almaw Bekalu Import & Export (1)
- Alpha Cardiac Specialty Clinic P.L.C (89)
- Alpha Trading Partners PLC (22)
- Alpha University Collage (5)
- Alta Computers PLC (2)
- Alvi-Medical PLC (1)
- Alvima Food Complex PLC (67)
- AM Sozo Consulting (7)
- Aman Assefa & Associates Law Office (7)
- Amare Aragaw Modern Metal & Wood Works (1)
- Ambalay Raye Trade & Industry PLC (18)
- Ambasel Trading House PLC (5)
- Ambassador Garment & Trade Plc (38)
- Amen Natural Water (44)
- American Embassy Community Association (AMCOM) (27)
- American Friends Service Committee (22)
- American International Health Alliance (25)
- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee(AJJDC) (33)
- AMG Steel Factory (17)
- Amhara Bank S.C (497)
- Amhara Credit and Saving Institution /ACSI/ (1)
- Amhara Development Association (15)
- Amref Health Africa (357)
- AMSHAJ Manufacturing PLC (37)
- An International Company Registered in Ethiopia (1)
- ANA Soap Factory (8)
- Andinet Yeethiopia Yebet Serategnoch Hibret (1)
- Anemaw Import Export (2)
- AnnAm marketing solution P.L.C (11)
- ANPPCAN (44)
- Aqua for All Ethiopia (11)
- Aren Group of Industries PLC (2)
- Arfasa General Trading PLC (32)
- ArifPay Financial Technologies SC (5)
- Arise Global (4)
- Armauer Hansen Research Inistitute (AHRI) (9)
- Arts Media Production S.C (8)
- ASCOM Mining Ethiopia (AME) (9)
- At-Con Engineering & Architecture Consultancy Plc (95)
- Atlas Business and Technology College (12)
- Atlas Computer Technology Plc (1)
- Atlas Marketing and Solutions PLC (10)
- Atma Import and Export (14)
- Australian Embassy, Addis Ababa (1)
- Austrian Development Agency (1)
- Austrian Embassy Development Cooperation (5)
- Awaaz.De (1)
- Awach SACCOS (5)
- Awash International Bank (46)
- Awash Wine Share company (10)
- Ayat Share Company (33)
- Aynage Child and Family Development Organization (20)
- Ayuda En Accion Ethiopia (50)
- B
- B.G.M Construction (5)
- BA Academy Alumni Association (1)
- Bakerd Manufacturing (1)
- Balaton Agro Investment PLC (7)
- Balaya Childrens & Family Charitable Organization (4)
- Balderasu (9)
- BAM Import and Export Trading (2)
- Bamacon Engineering PLC (25)
- Banyan Global (3)
- Barbaricum (4)
- BARO Pharmaceuticals P.L.C (5)
- Barok Car Rent Service (14)
- Bayer Trade Representative Office (2)
- BBC Media Action Ethiopia (63)
- BCaD Consulting Management PLC (48)
- BDS Center for Development Research (15)
- BEAEKA General Business PLC (374)
- BeConnected Industrial (80)
- Bees for Development Ethiopia (24)
- Begenda General Trading PLC (2)
- Belayab Foods Productions PLC (1)
- Belayab Pharmaceuticals PLC (4)
- BelCash Technology Solutions PLC (BelCash Ethiopia) (21)
- Belima International Business PLC/Daily Water (44)
- BeMedia Media Program Preparation & Advertisement PLC (10)
- Bemnete Endashaw G.C (34)
- Benishangul Gumuz Health Bureau (8)
- BeOnline ICT Solutions P.L.C (18)
- Bephon LLC (1)
- Bereket Endeshaw Construction (8)
- Best Western Plus Addis Ababa (118)
- BESYS Trading & Information Systems PLC (6)
- BET Architects PLC (25)
- BeteSeb Academy (1)
- Bethzatha Health Service Plc (155)
- Betopia Properties & Management PLC (43)
- Beyo PLC (22)
- Beyond Dance Studio (19)
- Beza Posterity Development Organization (36)
- BGI Ethiopia (154)
- BGI Genomics (1)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Ethiopia (6)
- Biniam Import and Export (27)
- Birhan for Mother and Children /SPHMMC (11)
- Blackbee Real Estate SC (1)
- Bless Agri Food Laboratory Service Plc (50)
- Bliss Tech Engineering PLC (5)
- Blue Cloud International PLC (6)
- BNT Industry and Trading PLC (103)
- BOEING - Ethiopia (1)
- Bole Ambassador Hotel (16)
- Boortmalt Ethiopia P.L.C (67)
- Bopinc (21)
- Bora Amusement Park (1)
- Boston Partners PLC | Kuriftu Resorts (108)
- Boundless Ethiopia Tours PLC (1)
- Braam Flowers P.L.C (20)
- Brave Venture Labs (1)
- Bread for the World (22)
- Break Through Trading S.C (104)
- Brick Products Processing S.C (2)
- Bridgetech Broadcasting and Media PLC (3)
- Bridgetech PLC (67)
- British Council Ethiopia (60)
- British Embassy Addis Ababa (49)
- Broadband Communication Networks Ltd (29)
- BSD Design & Management (22)
- Buel Technologies (1)
- Bunna International Bank S.C (219)
- Buusaa Gonofaa Microfinance S.C (MFI) (25)
- C
- CA Global Headhunters (1)
- Cadila Pharmaceuticals (Ethiopia) PLC (64)
- Camara Education Ethiopia (1)
- Cambridge Academy (18)
- Canadian Physician for Aid and Relief (CPAR) (1)
- Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief (CPAR) (59)
- Canon EMEA – Ethiopia (4)
- Capi-Map Promotions PLC (4)
- CARE Ethiopia (353)
- Care for Child and Family Organization- CCFO (20)
- CARITAS Switzerland (CACH) (91)
- Carvico Ethiopia Plc (6)
- Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE) General Secretariat (2)
- Catholic Relief Services - CRS (477)
- CBM Ethiopia (39)
- CCECC Ethiopia Construction PLC (142)
- CDT-Africa (66)
- CEFA Onlus – Ethiopia (15)
- Cellular Consultancy PLC (1)
- Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD) (26)
- Center for African Leadership Studies/xHub (26)
- Center for Development and Capacity Building (CDCB) (12)
- Center for Justice (CJ) (57)
- CGF Business Group Plc (24)
- cGrate international Proprietary Limited (2)
- CHADET (24)
- Chanoly Smoothie Trading (4)
- Chemonics International Inc (201)
- Cheshire Ethiopia (94)
- Cheshire Foundation Action for Inclusion (CFAI) (23)
- ChildFund International – Ethiopia (95)
- ChildHope UK (1)
- Children Believe Fund (64)
- Children's Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF) (1)
- China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) (1)
- China Gezhouba Group Co., Ltd (6)
- Chosen Generation (22)
- Christian Aid Ethiopia (53)
- Christian Children's Fund of Canada – Ethiopia (3)
- CISP (International Committee for the Development of People) (38)
- Civil Engineering Management Company (6)
- Civil Society Academy (5)
- Clinton Health Access Initiative (61)
- CMA CGM Shipping Agent Ethiopia Share Co (23)
- CNET Software Technologies (16)
- Coalition of Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations for Elections (CECOE) (51)
- Cobblestone Energy (1)
- CodeBlue Computer Services, PLC (1)
- Coffee Bean Importer (3)
- Comitato Collaborazione Medica (CCM) (12)
- Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (1)
- Commercial Graduate Association (1)
- Commlink Business Solutions Services (24)
- Common Vision for Development Association (123)
- Compassion International (6)
- Concern Worldwide (175)
- Conrad Gargett PTY LTD (1)
- Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA ) (76)
- Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO) (65)
- Construction Solution PLC (73)
- Cooperative Development Foundation of Canada (7)
- Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) Ethiopia (60)
- Corbezz and Co Import and Export PLC (5)
- Cordaid (128)
- Corteva Agriscience (1)
- Coskal Ethiopia PLC (21)
- Cosmar East Africa Business Share Company (35)
- CowaterSogema (3)
- Craft Software PLC (32)
- Creative Associates International Ethiopia (114)
- Cropsave Trading (41)
- Crown Agents (1)
- Crown Packaging and Plastics PLC (16)
- CURE International (3)
- Cuso International (36)
- Cyracom International (2)
- D
- Dadimos Development Consultants (21)
- Dahabshiil Group (5)
- Dalberg (7)
- Damadis Chemicals & Detergents PLC (1)
- Dan Technocraft PLC (21)
- DanChurchAid Ethiopia (151)
- Dangote Industries (Ethiopia) PLC (107)
- Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) (6)
- Danish Refugee Council (600)
- Dashen Bank S.C (121)
- Dashen Brewery Share Company (112)
- Dathan Trading (6)
- Davis and Shirtliff Trading Ethiopia PLC (38)
- Dawit and Associates Law Office (1)
- DBL Group (5)
- Deborah Foundation (36)
- DELAPHONE TECHNOLOGIES LTD (Flocash Ltd local Representative) (1)
- Delegation of the EU to AU (14)
- Dell Technologies (1)
- Delta Production and Commercial Enterprise PLC (4)
- Delta Research and Consultancy (7)
- Demka Textile & Investment PLC (21)
- Democracy International (8)
- Dengene Technology Solution PLC (6)
- Department for International Development - DFID (7)
- Desa Plants Plc (15)
- Desta PLC (37)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (763)
- Deutsche Post DHL - Ethiopia (19)
- Development Alternative Inc (DAI) (91)
- Development Expertise Center (DEC) (132)
- Development for All (DfA) (31)
- Development for Peace Organization (DPO) (97)
- Dexis Consulting Group – Ethiopia (38)
- DH GEDA Trade & Industry PLC (67)
- DH One Real Estate PLC (15)
- Dhakabora Extrusion (11)
- Di Yuan Ceramics PLC (39)
- Diageo – META Abo Brewery S.C (38)
- Digital Green (62)
- Digital Impressions Plc (19)
- Digital Medarbeider AS (2)
- Digital Opportunity Trust (26)
- Dima Technology College (3)
- Dimagi (4)
- Dina Food Processing (31)
- Dire Petroleum Company (21)
- DMC Construction PLC (103)
- Doctors with Africa CUAMM (30)
- Donkey Sanctuary Ethiopia (27)
- Dr. Senait Dental Clinic (36)
- Dream Land Construction (17)
- Droga Pharma Pvt.Ltd Co (55)
- DSP Consultancy (22)
- DT Global (3)
- Dtwins Consulting Engineering PLC (14)
- Dugda Construction PLC (86)
- Dulcian Consulting (8)
- Dümmen Orange Ethiopia (Formerly Red Fox Ethiopia) (20)
- DuPont (1)
- E
- Eagle Hills Ethiopia (1)
- EASE Engineering PLC (53)
- East Africa Bottling Share Company - Coca Cola (191)
- East Africa Tiger Brands Industries PLC (23)
- East African Lion Brands Manufacturing S.C (99)
- East African Trading House PLC (147)
- East Steel Plc - Ethiopia Construction (21)
- Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (18)
- Easy Gateway E-payment S.C (6)
- Easy Technologies PLC (7)
- EBS Television Ethiopia PLC (3)
- ECC St Gabriel Catholic Health Center (36)
- Echa Food Complex PLC (25)
- Echnoserve Consulting PLC (1)
- ECUSTA - HLI (35)
- Edge Communication Technology PLC (47)
- Education Development Center (11)
- Education Development Trust (23)
- Education for Sustainable Development - ESD (30)
- Edukans Foundation (25)
- El Aenon Export and Import (1)
- Eldra Academy (5)
- Elemtu Integrated Milk Industry Sh.Co (1)
- Elevate Ethiopia Inc. (2)
- ELNET Technology P.L.C (31)
- ELONS Construction PLC (4)
- ELSewedy Cables Ethiopia PLC (52)
- Elyal ICT Consulting PLC (1)
- Embassy of Brazil (19)
- Embassy of Canada (33)
- Embassy of Italy in Addis Ababa (1)
- Embassy of Switzerland (33)
- Embassy of United States of America, Human Resources Office (33)
- EMH Trading PLC (18)
- Emirates Ethiopia (4)
- Emperium Real Estate (1)
- Empower Africa Research and Social Development (1)
- Enat Weaving Work PLC (2)
- EngenderHealth (145)
- Enhancing Pastoralists Research and Development Alternatives (EPaRDA) (1)
- Enock PLC (21)
- Entrepreneurship Development Centre (41)
- Environmentalists Development Association – Ethiopia (EDAE) (20)
- Enyi General Business PLC (1)
- Enyi Hotel (1)
- EOC-DICAC (21)
- EON Business and Investment Consultancy (47)
- Ericsson (31)
- Eros Construction Machinery Sales and Rent (17)
- ESAT Public Media (6)
- Eshete Micro Finance Institution S.Co (22)
- Eshi Express (4)
- Essilor (1)
- eTech S.C. (59)
- ETG Designers and Consultants S.C (43)
- Ethan Health Care Center (3)
- Ethel Advertising and Communication Plc (1)
- Ethio Airs Trade and Investment (28)
- Ethio Cement PLC (11)
- Ethio Lease Ethiopian Capital Goods Finance SC (Ethio Lease) (12)
- Ethio National School (17)
- Ethio Star (9)
- Ethio-Color Printing PLC (9)
- Ethio-Djibouti Railways (EDR) (1)
- EthioChicken (141)
- Ethioder Pvt. Ltd. Co (23)
- Ethioflex Manufacturing PLC (1)
- Ethiopia Cuttings plc (Syngenta flowers) (31)
- Ethiopia Education Initiative Inc. (Ethiopia Branch) (30)
- Ethiopia Reads (7)
- Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (1)
- Ethiopian Academy of Sciences (49)
- Ethiopian Agribusiness Association (18)
- Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) (523)
- Ethiopian Airlines Group Primary Basic Trade Union (EAGPBTU) (6)
- Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission – Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE) (22)
- Ethiopian Catholic Church Social Development Coordinating office of Meki (ECC-SDCOM) (20)
- Ethiopian Catholic University of La Salle (ECUL) (22)
- Ethiopian Center for Development (46)
- Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) (164)
- Ethiopian Charities and Societies Forum (ECSF) (15)
- Ethiopian Children's Fund (1)
- Ethiopian Children's Fund (ECF) (2)
- Ethiopian Civil Society Organization Council (17)
- Ethiopian Clean Cooking Alliance Association (ECCA) (22)
- Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (185)
- Ethiopian Construction Design & Supervision Works Corporation (ECDSWC) (31)
- Ethiopian Council of Gospel Believer’s Churches (19)
- Ethiopian Diabetes Association (19)
- Ethiopian Diaspora Association (2)
- Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) (29)
- Ethiopian Edible Oil Industries Association (3)
- Ethiopian Elderly and Pensioners National Association (EEPNA) (4)
- Ethiopian Environmental Health Professional Association (2)
- Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) (17)
- Ethiopian Human Right Commission (40)
- Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) (193)
- Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO) (62)
- Ethiopian Investment Commission (32)
- Ethiopian Kale Heywot Church Development Commission, Head Office Addis Ababa (21)
- Ethiopian Law Office (1)
- Ethiopian Livestock Traders Professional Association (2)
- Ethiopian Maritime Training Institute Employees SACCO LTD (1)
- Ethiopian Media Women Association (11)
- Ethiopian Medical Association (64)
- Ethiopian Medical Women’s Association (1)
- Ethiopian Midwives Association (63)
- Ethiopian National Anti-Doping Office (18)
- Ethiopian National Association of Persons Affected by Leprosy (ENAPAL) (21)
- Ethiopian National Association of the Blind (58)
- Ethiopian National Disability Action Network (3)
- Ethiopian North American Health Profession Association- ENAHPA (1)
- Ethiopian Nurses Association (29)
- Ethiopian Pediatric Society (EPS) (23)
- Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association (25)
- Ethiopian Physiotherapy Association (6)
- Ethiopian Public Health Association (63)
- Ethiopian Public Health Institute (66)
- Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) (407)
- Ethiopian School Meal Initiatives (22)
- Ethiopian Society of Sociologist Social Workers and Anthropologists (ESSSWA) (23)
- Ethiopian Steel PLC (28)
- Ethiopian Thoracic Society (19)
- Ethiopian Veterinary Association (29)
- Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association(EWLA) (89)
- Ethswitch S.C (236)
- Euro Bio Health PLC (5)
- European Center for Electoral Support (23)
- European Centre for Electoral Support (ECES) (4)
- European Cooperative for Rural Development (EUCORD) (10)
- European Partnership for Democracy (5)
- European Union Business Forum in Ethiopia (8)
- Everbright Plastic Manufacturing Private Enterprise (47)
- Evertop Sportswear PLC (46)
- Excellerent Technology Solutions (3)
- Experience Clothing Ethiopia PLC (14)
- Ezezu PLC (21)
- F
- Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia - FGAE (147)
- Farm Africa (210)
- Farm Radio International (21)
- FarmEx Trading (1)
- Federal Ministry of Health (48)
- Federal Urban Job Creation and Food security Agency (11)
- Federal Vital Events Registration Agency (1)
- Federation of Ethiopian Associations of Persons with Disability (FEAPD) (38)
- FH Ethiopia (336)
- FHI 360 - Alive & Thrive Project-Ethiopia (166)
- Fikir Ethiopia National Association on Intellectual Disabilities (FENAID) (31)
- Finnish Refugee Council (56)
- Fintrac Inc (31)
- Fireside Communications Ltd -Ethiopia Branch (6)
- Firew Bekele Construction and Machinery Rental (22)
- First Consult Plc (110)
- First Point Group (5)
- Flocash (12)
- Flora IT Solution PLC (1)
- Florensis Ethiopia PLC (32)
- Flutterwave (1)
- Fomi Medium Clinic (2)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO (8)
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office | Ethiopia (42)
- Forest Bottled Manufacturing (20)
- Fortune Engineering PLC (4)
- Forum for African Women Educationalists - FAWE Ethiopia (22)
- Forum of Federations, Ethiopia Country Office (11)
- Fountain of Knowledge School (28)
- Four Season International PLC (2)
- Four Y Trading PLC (5)
- Frankfurt Zooligocal Society (32)
- Freedom Fund (36)
- Freedom House (29)
- French Development Agency (8)
- Fresh Trinity for Electrical & Home Appliance Industries PLC (2)
- Friendship International Hotel (17)
- Friendship Support Association (FSA) (33)
- Frigorifico Boran Foods PLC (5)
- Frontieri Consult P.L.C (202)
- FSSP Ethiopia, WUSC (27)
- Future Hopes Integrated Development organization/FHIDO (41)
- G
- G2G IT Solutions, S.C (65)
- GAB Capital Trading PLC (1)
- Galaxy TV Assembly Manufacturing PLC (2)
- Gamtisa Trading (1)
- Garad PLC (31)
- Gatepro PLC (2)
- GE | General Electric Company (1)
- GE Healthcare (1)
- Gebereslaissie Group (2)
- Gebeya Inc (20)
- Gebrellu Assegid Import (1)
- General Group Beverage PLC (22)
- Genet General Hospital (9)
- Geneva Global (24)
- Gengo (1)
- Gentium Concrete Industries PLC (11)
- George Shoe Ethiopia PLC (5)
- German Leprosy and TB Relief Association - GLRA Ethiopia (38)
- Gesha Village Coffee Estate Plc (1)
- Get-As International PLC (373)
- Getasew Ayalew Import Export (131)
- GETMAZ General Business PLC (26)
- Getu Tefera General Importer (1)
- GFA Consulting Group (24)
- Gibson School Systems (31)
- Gift Real Estate Plc (137)
- Gimpx Trading PLC (5)
- Girja Integrated Rural Development Association (GIRDA) (1)
- Girl Effect (21)
- Girum General Hospital (32)
- GITEC Consult GMBH (51)
- Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) (95)
- Global Detergents & Cosmetics PLC (1)
- Global Green Growth Institute (27)
- Global Placements (1)
- Globe Furniture (3)
- GlobeDock Consultancy (3)
- GOAL Ethiopia (210)
- Golden State Collage (7)
- Golden Tulip Addis Ababa Hotel (48)
- Good Neighbors Ethiopia (61)
- Grand Palace Suites and Hotel (69)
- Grant Thornton Advisory P.L.C (99)
- Grarbet Tehadiso Mahber (19)
- Green Flower Foundation (12)
- Green Mark Herbs PLC (20)
- Green Way Farms PLC (GreenPath Food) (3)
- Greenroad Ethiopia Logistics PLC (32)
- GS Construction Company (66)
- Guba Lafto Consulting, Architects and Engineering PLC (17)
- H
- Habesha Breweries S.C. Ethiopia (96)
- Habesha Cement S.C (149)
- Habesha Construction Material & Developments S.Co (2)
- Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia (89)
- Hadassah Consultancy (1)
- Haile & Alem International PLC (Haile Hospitality Group) (247)
- Hajuta Trading PLC (24)
- Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (38)
- Hamona School S.C (3)
- HAN Plast Manufacturing PLC (10)
- Hangzhon Truemax Machinery and Equipment Co. LTD (Ethiopian Branch) (14)
- Haramaya University (43)
- Harmony Hotel (21)
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (6)
- Hawassa Industrial Park Investors Association (1)
- Haymete Import- Export (26)
- Headlight Consulting Services, LLP (37)
- Heal Africa Health City S.Co (128)
- Healing Hands of Joy (HHOJ) (11)
- Health Development and Anti Malaria Association (HDAMA) (29)
- Health Poverty Action (29)
- Heifer International (37)
- HEKS-Ethiopia (40)
- HelpAge International (88)
- HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (166)
- Herenim Trading PLC (10)
- Herimex Trading PLC (8)
- Hibir Academy (6)
- Hijra Bank (HB) (266)
- Hilina Enriched Foods PLC (70)
- Hilton Hotels & Resorts (79)
- Himalayan Cataract Project (19)
- Hirdaramani Garment PLC (24)
- Hiwot Ethiopia (28)
- Holland Dairy P.L.C (74)
- Hope Enterprise’s University College (48)
- Hope Enterprises (45)
- Hope for Children Organization Australia (9)
- Hope for Justice (former Retrak Ethiopia ) (86)
- HOPE International Development Agency Ethiopia (24)
- Hope of light Civil Society Organization (1)
- Hope Walks (28)
- Horizon Addis Tyre S.C (141)
- Horra Trading (214)
- Hosea Trading House PLC (58)
- HSHARY Trading Plc (3)
- HST Consulting PLC (87)
- Huawei Technologies Ethiopia Plc (10)
- Hulegeb Online Solution PLC (23)
- Humanity & Inclusion (112)
- Humedica E.V (50)
- HUNDEE-Oromo Grassroots Dev't Initiative (18)
- Huruta Flour Mills (7)
- Hyatt Regency Addis Ababa (38)
- Hybrid Designs (29)
- I
- i engineering Group (12)
- IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH (12)
- ICAP (227)
- ICARDA (1)
- ICE Ethiopia (18)
- iCog - Labs (23)
- ICOS Consulting PLC (24)
- ICS Saving and Credit Association (1)
- Idea Consulting Group PLC (8)
- IE Network Solutions PLC (109)
- IFDC- International Fertilizer Development (33)
- IKEA (4)
- ILu Women and Children Integrated Development Association (IWCIDA) (29)
- IMC Worldwide Ltd. Ethiopia Branch (5)
- IMPACT Initiatives (1)
- Impress Hotel (1)
- In-Joy Burger (2)
- Includovate Research Center PLC (13)
- Infinity Advanced Technology Solutions (IATS) (50)
- Infinity Technology PLC (2)
- Infobip (1)
- Initiative for Social Accountability Promotion(ISAP) (4)
- Innovative Humanitarian Solutions (IHS) (30)
- Insights Consults PLC (14)
- Institute for Fiscal Studies (1)
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) | Ethiopia (25)
- Institute for Security Studies (ISS) (34)
- Institute of International Education (IIE) (25)
- Integrated Family Service Organization (47)
- Integrated Service on Health and Development Organization (ISHDO) (82)
- Inter Aide France (55)
- Inter Luxury Hotel (125)
- Inter Religious Council of Ethiopia (17)
- InterChurch Organization for Development Cooperation(ICCO Cooperation) (3)
- Intercontinental Addis Hotel (5)
- Interior Motifs & Design Plc. (IMD Furniture & Design) (25)
- International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc (8)
- International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) (22)
- International Clinical Laboratories (84)
- International Committee of the Red Cross - Ethiopia (160)
- International Community School of Addis Ababa (47)
- International Development Enterprises(IDE) (62)
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) (92)
- International Institute for Primary Health Care – Ethiopia (IIfPHC-E) (3)
- International Labour Organization - ILO (25)
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) (25)
- International Media Support (IMS) (29)
- International Medical Corps (IMC) (40)
- International Organization for Migration (267)
- International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) (5)
- International Orthodox Christian Charties (IOCC) (21)
- International Republican Institute (44)
- International Rescue Committee (1432)
- International Telecommunication Union (7)
- International Water Management Institute (2)
- Intertek Ethiopia (7)
- Intrahealth International Ethiopia (28)
- IO Global (10)
- Isabella Socks Manufacturing PLC (1)
- Islamic Relief Ethiopia (154)
- ITACA Textile PLC (24)
- Italian Association for Aid to Children (21)
- Italian Trade Agency (1)
- Itang Town Water Utility (13)
- Ivy Hotel Group (4)
- Izeddin & Tjeddin Insurance Brokers (7)
- J
- Jakenn Publishing (54)
- Jalannera Coffee Export and Coffee Farm PLC (Tarara Coffee) (24)
- Jalo Hotel Shashemene (54)
- Jambo Construction Plc (13)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (13)
- Japan Tobacco International (18)
- JaRco Consulting PLC (39)
- JDC (7)
- Jembi Health Systems (1)
- Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Ethiopia (62)
- Jetson Doro (11)
- Jhpiego Ethiopia (135)
- Jiangsu ETERN CO.,LTD (16)
- Jimma Bonga Catholic Secretariat (1)
- Job Creation Commission (13)
- Jobs Creation Commission (21)
- John Snow, Inc (248)
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center for Communication Programs (55)
- Jotun Ethiopia (110)
- Joytech PLC (36)
- JUKI Singapore PTE LTD (Ethiopia Branch) (1)
- Julphar Pharmaceuticals PLC (67)
- Juniper Glass Industries S.C (24)
- Jupiter International Hotel (50)
- K
- K.mikedem General Import and Export Enterprise (49)
- Kadisco General Hospital (16)
- KAKI PLC (196)
- Kalub Microfinance Institution S.C (2)
- KANYA Business PLC (9)
- Kategna Bar & Restaurant (1)
- Kelem Ethiopia (45)
- Kelem International School (Former Swedish Community School) (62)
- Kenenisa Hotel Plus (19)
- Kepler (22)
- Kerchanshe Trading PLC (727)
- Kibish Construction (57)
- Kifiya Financial Technologies (103)
- Kili Detergent Manufacturing Plc (18)
- KiRK Land Hospitality (16)
- Klaver Flowers PLC (2)
- KMG-Ethiopia (31)
- KMS ETH Health Trading (4)
- KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation (106)
- Koga Veg Agricultural Development (12)
- Koisha Tour and Car Rental (19)
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (31)
- Koppa PLC (16)
- Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (13)
- Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) | Ethiopia (5)
- KPR Exports PLC (4)
- KRONES LCS Center East Africa (8)
- KROTAJ Tahini Manufactures PLC (8)
- Kulich Youth Reproductive Health and Development Organization(KYRHDO) (6)
- Kunis Bari General Trading PLC (1)
- Kunzila Horticulture Development (1)
- Kurmuk Gold Mine PLC (62)
- L
- L.E.C. Engineering Plc (26)
- LABCO Advanced Clinical Laboratory (4)
- Laguz Logistics PLC (1)
- Lake Bishoftu Resort (1)
- Lamino Engineering PLC (24)
- Lamme dairy P.L.C (6)
- Landmark General Hospital (16)
- Last Mile Health (LMH) (8)
- Laterite (30)
- Lawyers for Human Right (79)
- Lay Volunteers International Association (27)
- LBE Cold Chain Logistic Services PLC (9)
- LEA Consulting (1)
- Leadstar College of Management and Leadership (7)
- Ledeg Midwifery College (17)
- Legacy Real Estate (1)
- LESSO Ethiopia Trading PLC (67)
- Life & Peace Institute (25)
- Lifebox Foundation Inc (20)
- LifeWater International (46)
- Light for the World (46)
- LINC (46)
- Link Community Development (9)
- Link Community Development Ethiopia (17)
- Link Education International (31)
- Lionbridge (3)
- Liyana Health Care PLC (59)
- Logic Printing Press (2)
- LonAdd consultancy PLC (114)
- Lootah Group of Companies (15)
- Louis Dreyfus Commodities (1)
- Love for Children and Family Development Charitable Organization (1)
- Lovegrass Agro Processing Plc (49)
- Low Income Finance Transformation Research Company ( L-IFT BV) (3)
- Lucy Ethiopia Coffee (4)
- Lucy Investment Partners (3)
- Luminos Fund (32)
- LUNA Export Slaughterhouse PLC (80)
- Lutheran World Federation (14)
- Lydetco Plc (25)
- M
- MACCFA Freight Logistics PLC (53)
- Maersk (8)
- Mafi Mafi Design (Mahlet Afework) (9)
- Mahebuba Apartment (5)
- Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development (107)
- Maids.cc (6)
- Malaria Consortium (2)
- Malolee Consulting PLC (1)
- Mam Enterprise LLC (2)
- Mamokacha P.L.C (30)
- Management Science for Health (MSH) (94)
- Management Sciences for Health (35)
- Mandhana Industries plc (1)
- Marakisoft Technologies PLC (29)
- Marginpar Ethiopian PLC (23)
- Marie Stopes International (472)
- Markos Pvt.Ltd.Co (34)
- Marriott International (66)
- Mary Joy Development Association (14)
- Mary Joy Ethiopia (27)
- MassDel Commision Agent (14)
- Massida Solution PLC (9)
- Maternity Foundation (22)
- Mathiwos Wondu-Ye Ethiopia Cancer Society (33)
- Max Foundation (6)
- Maxbridge Education and Development SC (35)
- McKinsey & Company (15)
- MCM General Hospital (3)
- Mechatu Trading S.C (4)
- MEDA-Mennonite Economic Development Associates (35)
- Médecins du Monde (MDM) (182)
- Médecins Sans Frontières (339)
- Medsol Pharmaceuticals (3)
- Mekdela Amba University (3)
- Mekdim Ethiopia National Association (MENA) (109)
- Meki Batu Veg & Fru Production Cooperatives Union (19)
- Meklit Micro Finance Institution S.C (112)
- MEL BET (4)
- Meles Zenawi Foundation (6)
- Mennonite Central Committee (1)
- Merahi International Ltd Ethiopia Branch (1)
- Merahi International P.L.C (9)
- Mercy Corps Ethiopia (655)
- Merq Consultancy PLC (49)
- MERSA Media Institute (37)
- Meti Trading P.L.C (31)
- Metropolitan Real Estate PLC (97)
- MIAWA import and export PLC (6)
- Miawa Spring Water PLC (13)
- Michael Endale G. Contractor PLC (1)
- Midre-Ge‘ez Microfinance SC (2)
- Miklol Consulting & Research (5)
- Millennium DPI Feteh Activity (21)
- Minaye Group (29)
- Mindray Medical International Limited (2)
- Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (2)
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education-(EASTRIP) (10)
- Ministry of Trade & Industry (2)
- Mintu Plastics and Row Material Manufacturer Plc (9)
- Misrak Food Complex PVT.Ltd.Co (26)
- Modern Building Industry P.L.C (10)
- MODETH Outsource PLC (35)
- Moneta Technologies S.C (6)
- Mothers and Children Multisectoral Development Organization (MCMDO) (100)
- Moti Engineering Plc (51)
- Mott MacDonald Ethiopia (4)
- Move One Packaging PLC (10)
- MULEY ADDISU Import and Export (5)
- Mullo Farm PLC (11)
- Multichoice Ethiopia Plc (9)
- Mulugeta Mekonnen Import Export (11)
- Murabaha Trading P.L.C (20)
- Murabaha Trading plc (49)
- Mural Paints & Chemicals PLC (6)
- MWA Plastic Industry PLC (2)
- MYD IT Solutions PLC (18)
- MYM - Youth Building Development (1)
- N
- Nala Foundation (31)
- Nared General Trading Plc (4)
- Nathan Associates (2)
- National Alcohol and Liquor Factory (28)
- National Bank of Ethiopia (29)
- National Democratic Institute (29)
- National Election Board of Ethiopia(NEBE) (136)
- National Insurance Company (17)
- National Marketers PLC (54)
- National Podoconiosis Action Network (NaPAN) (16)
- National Tobacco Enterprise (Ethiopia) Sh. co (189)
- Nazo PLC (6)
- NBR Project Management Consulting PLC (4)
- Net & Com Information Technology Center (1)
- Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (76)
- Network of Networks of HIV Positives in Ethiopia (26)
- Network of Organizations of/for the Visually Impaired and the Blind (NOVIB) (2)
- New Zealand Embassy (26)
- New Zealand Milk Products(Ethiopia)S.C (11)
- Newlife Industry P.L.C (10)
- Next Generation Technology (2)
- NF Plastic Manufacturing PLC (1)
- Nia Foundation (4)
- NIB Insurance Company (17)
- Nice Tech Manufacturing PLC (3)
- Ningbo Lehui International Engineering Equipment Co.ltd (Ethiopian Branch) (7)
- NIRAS (31)
- Nisir Micro Finance S.C (45)
- Nokia (1)
- NORC at the University of Chicago (5)
- Nordic IT Security Solutions Plc (2)
- Nordic Medical Centre (56)
- Norwegian Church Aid - Ethiopia (27)
- Norwegian Refugee Council (556)
- Novartis (1)
- Nunhems Etthiopia PLC - BASF (39)
- Nuri Flex (13)
- Nuri Telecom (1)
- Nuru International Ethiopia (18)
- Nutrition International (53)
- O
- Official Australian Residence (1)
- Ohio State Global one Health Initiative (22)
- OK Bottling and Beverage S.C (70)
- Okta Technology PLC (17)
- Olij Roses Ethiopia PLC (3)
- OM Consulting & Engineering PLC (35)
- OMO Child Charity Organization- OCCS (2)
- One Acre Fund (85)
- One Planet International School Plc (40)
- One Star Time PLC (4)
- Ontex Hygienic Disposables PLC (1)
- Onyx for Engineering (1)
- Operation Smile (28)
- Opian Analytics (4)
- Opian Information Communication Technology PLC (5)
- Opportunities Industrialization Centers - Ethiopia (OIC-E) (14)
- Oracle Corporation | Ethiopia (1)
- Orbis International Ethiopia (67)
- ORBIS Trading & Technical Center Share Company (14)
- Orbit Consultancy (1)
- Orbit Health Solutions plc (12)
- Organic Liquid fertilizer Producing PLC (88)
- Organization for Social Development (OSD) (1)
- Organization For Welfare and Development in Action (OWDA) (35)
- Oromia Development Association (ODA) (71)
- Oromia Insurance Company S.C (23)
- Oromia International Bank S.C (1)
- Oromia Pastoralist Association (17)
- Ovid Construction PLC (96)
- OWS Development Fund (25)
- Oxfam Great Britain (271)
- Oxford Policy Management (OPM) (54)
- P
- PACT Ethiopia (75)
- PAE (4)
- Paga (1)
- Pagumen Tour and Travel S.C (48)
- Palladium (133)
- Pamela Steele Associates (PSA) (15)
- Panagora Group (1)
- Paraclete Trading (2)
- Paradise Valley College (32)
- Partner Africa (1)
- Partners In Health (1)
- Pastoralist Concern (23)
- Pastoralist Welfare Organization - PWO (7)
- Path Development Consulting and Research (2)
- PATH Ethiopia (115)
- Path Ministries International (29)
- Pathfinder International Ethiopia (65)
- Pelican General Trading PLC (5)
- Penda Manufacturing PLC (1)
- People In Need - PIN (278)
- PepsiCo (5)
- Performance Mining and Industrial Service (2)
- Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency (2)
- Philips (1)
- Phoenix Business Consulting PLC (21)
- PIB Plc (23)
- Pioneer Diagnostic Center (2)
- Plan International Ethiopia (737)
- Population Council Ethiopia (21)
- Population Health and Environment – Ethiopia Consortium (PHE EC) (62)
- Population Services International (PSI) (303)
- Poshak Consultancy Services PLC (8)
- Positive Action for Development (PAD) (78)
- Praxis International Business Plc (39)
- Precise Consult International PLC (20)
- Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD) (25)
- Premiere Switch Solutions S. Co (151)
- Prime Meat & Food Products (8)
- PRO PRIDE (15)
- ProBe'er Editing and Translation Service (2)
- Procter & Gamble (9)
- Professional Alliance for Development-PADet (52)
- Project Concern International (20)
- Project Expedite Justice (11)
- Project Harar Ethiopia (24)
- Project HOPE (22)
- Project HOPE Ethiopia (40)
- Project Mercy (26)
- Project-E (19)
- ProSidian Consulting (4)
- Protection Respect and Opportunity for Children's on the Street (PORCS) (2)
- Pure Wood Pulp Paper and Packing Plc (47)
- Q
- R
- Rabah and sons PLC (1)
- Racrob Business Plc (1)
- Radiant Addis Cleaning Services (17)
- Radisson Blu Hotel | Ethiopia (86)
- Rainbow Colors PLC (22)
- Rainbow Confectionery PLC (6)
- Rainbow Foam and Plastic Industry (61)
- Rainforest Alliance (1)
- Ramiya Trading PLC (1)
- Ramsay Shoe Factory (1)
- Ramya Trading PLC (2)
- Rapid Globex Pvt. Ltd (1)
- Raval Steel Mills PLC (22)
- Raycon Construction and Rental (3)
- Raymond Limited (1)
- Rays Micro-finance Institution S.C (14)
- Razel BEC (5)
- Razel International Business P.L.C (1)
- Reach Ethiopia (141)
- Reach for Change Ethiopia (35)
- Reach The Needy Ethiopia (RTN-Ethiopia) (27)
- Reboot Consult (1)
- Redeem the Generation (5)
- Refuges & Returnees Services (5)
- Regent ICT PLC (1)
- Rehabilitation and Development Organization (RADO) (88)
- RENEW Investment Advisors Plc (13)
- Resel Pick-Pick ICT plc (22)
- Resolve to save lives (23)
- Resonacle (1)
- Results for Development (R4D) (13)
- Retina Pharmaceuticals (41)
- Ridag Import & Export PLC (20)
- Ries Engineering Share Company (92)
- Rift Valley Children and Women Development Organization (RCWDO) (38)
- Right to Play Ethiopia (57)
- Rimon General Trading PLC (9)
- Rise Project (1)
- Roche (2)
- Rockstone Ethiopia Real Estate PLC (8)
- Romel General Trading Plc (7)
- Romina PLC (28)
- Root in Style (6)
- Roots Ethiopia (15)
- Rorank Business Share Company (54)
- Rovestone Brother's Plc (1)
- Rovestone Brother's Plc (46)
- Royal Hotel Apartment PLC (10)
- Royal Specialized Dental Clinic (24)
- RSB - Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (1)
- RTI International (102)
- Rubis Energy Ethiopia Limited (31)
- Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (24)
- Rural Community Based Development Initiatives Association (RCBDIA) (20)
- S
- SABA Engineering Plc (20)
- Sabahar (23)
- Sabegn (3)
- Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia Plc (5)
- Safeway Travel & Tours (2)
- Saint Gabriel General Hospital (6)
- Salini Impregilo S.p.A (10)
- Samaritan's Purse (321)
- Samore Flower Farm PLC (25)
- Samuel Hall East Africa (1)
- SANA Education (2)
- SANIS Real State (9)
- Sansheng Pharmaceutical PLC (52)
- SAP (5)
- Sapphire Dimension Stone (7)
- SAS Construction Chemicals LTD (25)
- SAS Ethio Import and Export (19)
- Sasakawa Africa Association (22)
- SAT Import Trading PLC (12)
- Saturn Marbel Manufacturing Plc (1)
- Save The Children (1489)
- Save the Environment Ethiopia (SEE) (15)
- Save Your Holy Land Association (SYHLA) (30)
- SBA Ethiopia Installation and Maintenance PLC (1)
- SBG Industry Plc (92)
- Scepto Importer (60)
- School of Nations (22)
- School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University (23)
- ScienceSquad Africa (1)
- Seaspan Ship Management Ltd (1)
- Sebrina Transit PLC (2)
- Segon-Marill International Movers PLC (47)
- Selam International Travel & Tours (1)
- Selamta Family Project (9)
- SeletHulling Plc (1)
- Self Help Africa (46)
- Selma Group of Company (1)
- Send a Cow Ethiopia (48)
- Senselet Food Processing PLC (57)
- Sentinel Steel PLC (41)
- Sersa Furnished Apartment (22)
- SES (5)
- Seven Star Health Sciences and Business College (21)
- Shamida Bright Vision Childrens welfare Association (29)
- Shandong Highway Engineering Construction Group PLC (1)
- Share Way General Trading PLC (22)
- Shayashone PLC (73)
- Sheger Express Service PLC (2)
- Shemu PLC (183)
- Sher Ethiopia PLC (37)
- Sheraton Addis (26)
- Sheraton Addis, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Addis Ababa (121)
- Shining Stone International Business Plc (100)
- Shints ETP Garment (115)
- Shiromeda Trading PLC (2)
- Shoa Shopping Center (32)
- SICS IT Outsourcing PLC (8)
- Siemens (1)
- Sifir Mart (5)
- Sika Abyssinia Chemicals Manufacturing PLC (8)
- SILA Security & Safety (15)
- Silver Spring Production and Promotion P.L.C (71)
- Simba Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Supply (1)
- Simpler Technology PLC (2)
- Simply Black Advertising PLC (22)
- SimPrints (2)
- Sisters Expediate Trading PLC (7)
- Siz Agro PLC (24)
- SKILLMART Educational Development S.C (35)
- Skyline Construction PLC (1)
- Smart Digital Technologies S.C (24)
- SMART Management Services Plc (1)
- SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (147)
- Social Impact (42)
- Social Solutions International (2)
- Society for Education, Environment and Development (SEED) (17)
- Society of Human Resource Management in Ethiopia (SHRME) (85)
- Soda Soft Drink PLC (1)
- Sodo Buee Child and Family Development Charitable Organization (34)
- Solidaridad (66)
- Solyana Trading and Investment PLC (31)
- SOS Children's Villages Ethiopia (169)
- SOS Sahel Ethiopia (50)
- Soufflet Malt Ethiopia PLC (83)
- Spine Institute and Care S.C (25)
- Spiritan Community Outreach Ethiopia (SCORE) (1)
- Splash International (64)
- SPQ Trading PLC (1)
- Spring Household Manufacturing PLC (17)
- Spring of knowledge Academy (79)
- St. Gabriel General Hospital PVT.LTD.Co (179)
- St. Luke Catholic Hospital and College of Nursing and Midwifery (27)
- St. Mary Catholic Primary Hospital, Dubbo (19)
- Stairway School (22)
- Stairway Trading PLC (2)
- Stand for Integrated Development Ethiopia (SID Ethiopia (24)
- Stand For Vulnerable Organization (SVO) (26)
- Star Soap and Detergent PLC (27)
- STEM Synergy Inc (5)
- STiR Education (1)
- Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) (2)
- Story Changers (1)
- Strawberry Furniture Manufacturing P.L.C (5)
- Strengthenig Education for Mining Project (STEM) (2)
- Strengthening Education for Mining (STEM) (2)
- Sucafina SA (12)
- Sun Data World (8)
- Sunlight Moon Trading PLC (18)
- Sunshine Business PLC (3)
- Sunshine Import and Manufacturing (13)
- Sunshine Retail (21)
- Sunsisters Trading PLC (27)
- Sunvado Manufacturing P.L.C (20)
- Super Ova Agro Tech PLC (9)
- Swedish Community School (5)
- Swinkels Family Brewers (1)
- Symbol Technologies PLC (40)
- SYNAPSE Promotion PLC (1)
- Synergy PLC (22)
- T
- Taam Cab (2)
- Tabuk Pharmaceuticals (22)
- Tadesse Kiros Law Office (5)
- Tadious Mehari Import and Export (5)
- TAF Oil Plc (43)
- TAL Garments Manufacturing Plc (52)
- Tam Investment (1)
- Target Business Consultants PLC (38)
- Target Human Rights Organizations (11)
- Task Force for Global Health (19)
- Taurus General Contractor (34)
- TAY & Company (16)
- Tbab Trading PLC (39)
- Teamy Trading PLC (5)
- Tearfund Ethiopia (55)
- Technical Assistance to Support Capacity(TASC) (5)
- Technoserve Ethiopia (286)
- Technostyle Furniture Center (7)
- Technostyle PLC (34)
- Tekhaf Corporate Group (24)
- Teklehaimanot General Hospital (64)
- Teklogix IT Solutions PLC (2)
- Terre des Hommes (47)
- TESFA Social and Development Association /TSDA/ (44)
- Tetra Tech (22)
- Tewodros Mulugeta Wood Based Construction Material Production Factory (4)
- Thabet Technology PLC (7)
- The African Constituency Bureau to the Global Fund (20)
- The Bilateral Ethiopia - Netherlands Effort for Food, Income and Trade (BENEFIT) in Ethiopia (8)
- The Brooke Hospital for Animals (37)
- The Carter Center - Ethiopia (135)
- The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) (1)
- The CENTER for VICTIMS of TRAUMA (123)
- The Children's Place (3)
- The Children’s Heart Fund of Ethiopia (CHFE) (24)
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1)
- The Club Bar and Restaurant (2)
- The Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Union (CETU) (15)
- The Development Fund (6)
- The Ethiopian Assemblies of God Church Aid and Development Association (EAGC-ADA) (8)
- The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus-Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY-DASSC) (2)
- The Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (FEACC) (1)
- The Fred Hollows foundation Ethiopia (79)
- The Hub Hotel (38)
- The Hunger Project Ethiopia (31)
- The Leprosy Mission (TLM) (32)
- The Mitchell Group, Inc (57)
- The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (14)
- The ONE Campaign (4)
- The Pharo Foundation (40)
- The Pharo Foundation (103)
- The Talent Firm (25)
- The Twins PLC (8)
- The Well in Action (37)
- Thermo Fisher Scientific (1)
- THISAbility Consulting (2)
- Three Roots International (31)
- Tibebe Mengistu & Co (26)
- Tigist & Eyob Audit Service General Partnership (1)
- TimeRide Plc (1)
- TimeX Trading Plc (58)
- TIMRAN (46)
- Timret Lehiwot Ethiopia (2)
- Tinaw Business Share Company (S.C.) (70)
- TIRET Corporate (27)
- TNT Construction & Trading (213)
- Together! Ethiopian Resident Charity Organization (1)
- Tony Blair Institute (2)
- Total Ethiopia (42)
- Tourism Ethiopia (4)
- Trabocca (21)
- Trad Ethiopia (6)
- Trade and Development Bank (1)
- Trade Reem international Trading PLC (23)
- TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) (7)
- Transparency Ethiopia (8)
- Transsion Manufacturing PLC (317)
- Triggerise Ethiopia (32)
- Tsemex Business Group (45)
- TSW PLC (1)
- Tulu Moye Geothermal (TMGO) (10)
- Tumsa Endowment for Development of Oromia (5)
- Turner & Townsend (1)
- U
- UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (1)
- UNDP - United Nations Development Programme (104)
- UNESCO Ethiopia (1)
- UNHCR - Ethiopia (194)
- UNICAF (1)
- UNICEF (43)
- UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (49)
- Unilever (132)
- Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Associations (UEWCA) (32)
- Unique Plastic Industry (31)
- United Beverages Share Company (185)
- United Nations (80)
- United Nations Population Fund | Ethiopia (67)
- United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) (27)
- United System Integrators (USi) (33)
- Unlimited Systems (1)
- UNOPS (105)
- UT Solutions PLC (14)
- V
- Vamos Entertainment (2)
- Variety Electro Mechanical Engineering (27)
- Velocity Apparelz Companies PLC (7)
- Verdant Consulting (7)
- Veritas Consulting PLC (13)
- Viamo Inc (2)
- Victoria Guest House Apartment (47)
- Violet General Business Plc (28)
- VIS-Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (20)
- Visa (14)
- VisionFund Micro-Finance Institution S.C (538)
- Vison Aid Overseas (23)
- Vital Strategies (54)
- Vittorio Chemical Industries PLC (35)
- VNG International (22)
- VSF - Suisse (48)
- VSO Ethiopia (90)
- W
- W.A Oil Factory & Distribution PLC (20)
- Wabeshebelle Hotel (5)
- Wako Gutu Foundation (52)
- Walia Cork Factory PLC (23)
- Walk in Ethiopia Tour Travel and Car Rental (3)
- Walkerson Group (4)
- Wasasa Micro Finance Institution S.C (33)
- Washington Medical Center (8)
- Water Aid Ethiopia (1)
- Water and Irrigation Resource Development Bereau (Gambella) (6)
- Water Witness International (24)
- Wave Import & Export (2)
- Way Marketing PLC (25)
- WebSprix IT Solutions PLC (75)
- Webuild SPA (Koysha Hydroelectric Project) (41)
- Weema International Inc (27)
- WeForest (21)
- Wegagen Bank S.C (20)
- Welocalize (3)
- Westminster Foundation for Democracy (5)
- Wetlands International (58)
- Wey Insights and Marketing PLC (4)
- Whiteknight Construction Management Consultants PLC (21)
- Whiz Kids Workshop (44)
- Wikiyanos (6)
- Wilcom Trading PLC (2)
- Woinu Group|Ethio Japan Textile (1)
- Women Empowerment – Action (WE-Action) (31)
- Women’s Hope International (3)
- World Bank | Ethiopia (44)
- World Food Programme (73)
- World Health Organization (12)
- World Learning (1)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (8)
- World Resources Institute (25)
- World Share (1)
- World Together Ethiopia (40)
- World Vision Ethiopia (1284)
- WP Medical Supplies (4)
- X
- Y
- Yamrot Food Complex (34)
- Yangtze Real Estate Development PLC (1)
- Yechaka Buna PLC (2)
- Yedesta Buna Trading PLC (25)
- Yegna Home PLC (8)
- Yegna Trading (58)
- Yemisrach Microfinance Institute (23)
- Yervan Trading PLC (1)
- Yifat Development Association (14)
- Yisakal Entertainment (6)
- Yom Institute of Economic Developments (YIED) (12)
- Yotek Construction Plc (306)
- Young Life – Ethiopia (1)
- Young Men's Christian Association (21)
- Young Women Christian Association in Ethiopia (33)
- Youth Impact Development Association (YIDA) (2)
- Youth Network For Sustainable Development (YNSD) (48)
- Z
- ZAMU PLC (57)
- ZamZam Bank (219)
- ZE-EL Trading Plc (13)
- Zefmesh PLC (17)
- Zeleke and Amelework Enterprise P.L.C (25)
- Zeleman Communications Advertising Production (1)
- Zelimma Technology and Services PLC (4)
- Zemen Ethiopia Import and Export (5)
- Zero Carbon Construction Material (6)
- Zhoga Chemical PLC (6)
- Zipline International (1)
- ZOA Relief (9)
- ZY Consumer Goods Trading PLC (1)